Sunday, December 4, 2011

It would be ungrateful for me to not include my powerful testimony of fasting and prayer. My weakness has worsened and upon friends at church finding out, there were many people praying and fasting today for me.  When i woke up this morning, I had a sense of joy come over me and I actually felt overwhelmed with love that i know my aquaintances and friends have for me. it was the first time in a week that my feet were not numb when i woke up this morning, and my hands actually work . i know prayers were being heard, and had reassurance that i will get better, in time. i used to pray every day that i could become the person that the Lord wants me to be. i know he is using this trial i have, to show me things i can learn from it. i will never see a sick person, or hurting soul, the same way. my heart understands the pain that i never knew existed. my parents, Kevin, ad Brooke have been so wonderful. Dad even put my Christmas ribbon on the tree so tree. i am so blessed to be surrounded by such patient, and loving family. its looking like what i have is probably auto immune, since the fever continues, but it just means i need lots of rest and to take close care. i know prayers are heard, and not always answered in the way we expect, but we are never left alone, if we strive for righteous desires.

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