Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011

This year Brooke asked Santa for an American Doll. I was quite concerned after her request, that a few months after talking about it non-stop, she just suddenly said that she didn't want a doll anymore. She was very happy Christmas morning, and has been playing with it since. She also asked for a pink treasure chest.
She has been very into dressing like a princess and wearing tiaras on her head.

Brooke asked Santa for a tricycle for Will. He is enjoying it very much!

The true spirit of Christmas was in our home this Christmas, as so many friends and family had shown us so much love, and those were the true gifts that we recieved.

special note: The rat was a gag gift, that came in the new fish tank that we got Kevin, since his got broken. We asked the pet store if we could return it in a few days, and they agreed :) It was really funny! Kevin has always told me he wanted a rat, but now is not the time. I had one when I was a kid, so may be someday we will keep one around? You never know what kind of animal we may end up with ; )

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