Thursday, April 25, 2013

After Nineteen Years

     I could go on and on about the funny things that Erin and I have done together....saving a Caterpillar from losing it's Mommy is the story I told Brooke about when we were visiting Erin in Utah a couple weeks ago. It's lucky we both have white teeth after all the mustard we put on everything...After nineteen years of friendship funny is still good, but there is so much more feeling in knowing that no matter what, we will always be there for each other....It is such a special thing when a person can know all your weaknesses and struggles and they love you just the same, if not more...When you know you can tell someone all your dreams and fears and even though they saw you as a little kid making all kinds of dumb mistakes....they still believe in you, and make your fears seem a little bit lessened......That's a special friend to have....I am lucky to just know Erin, and if I could spend more time around her, I'd be an amazing Mother like she is......

Monday, April 1, 2013

Grandma's House

           We are blessed to live by Grandma and Grandpa Pack and are able to spend holidays with them!

Giving a gift on Easter

I had to share going to the Nursing Home on Easter and giving paper tissue flowers with another family this year. It was such a neat experience last year, so I asked a few friends if their family would join us. The Duenas Family made some cards of their own and met us at the most ran down nursing home in McKinney..which isn't a very bad one....but we just wanted to give some love to those most in need.....

                                                          Holly has such pretty daughters.......

                                  We loved the smiles the kids gave them..and a couple of them even asked us if we would sing a song for them. We sang the familiar primary church song, " I wonder when he comes again?" Poor Kevin got called out by an old lady that he was the only one not singing. He had a good excuse that he didn't know the song....but he doesn't sing songs he knows anyways ;)

                                  Will was playing hide and seek with his playdate buddy Ammon.......

When we were leaving the nursing home a woman was being wheeled out on a bed into an ambulance....We were able to tell the kids we all need to be thankful for our health and make every single day count...Most importantly, show our God in heaven that we know this life and chance to learn and grow on this a gift he gives us, because he loves us.....

Easter 2013

  2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things become new.

Things for our family have been so busy lately, we almost considered not getting baby ducks for Easter this year, but I decided that Easter truly is the most important holiday that there is....and I always want my children to remember Easter time as something special and joyous....So my consideration of not getting the baby ducks was probably also some sort of Motherly intuition that this wouldn't be a good thing for God's creatures this year...With Will around anyways....As we got to the farm store Will ran straight to the tub of ducks and picked one up so was very troubling to see that duck look in pain as I pryed it from his hands....

Will wasn't as interested in the bunny Brooke was we got our very own Easter Bunny....and Brooke is taking very care of it. She calls it "sweetie pie " and I keep reminding her that Easter it a time we celebrate new things....just like Jesus gave us the chance to become new again when we repent and use the Atonement in our lives daily....and that because of  his resurrection, every single person will live again, after they die.