Monday, April 1, 2013

Giving a gift on Easter

I had to share going to the Nursing Home on Easter and giving paper tissue flowers with another family this year. It was such a neat experience last year, so I asked a few friends if their family would join us. The Duenas Family made some cards of their own and met us at the most ran down nursing home in McKinney..which isn't a very bad one....but we just wanted to give some love to those most in need.....

                                                          Holly has such pretty daughters.......

                                  We loved the smiles the kids gave them..and a couple of them even asked us if we would sing a song for them. We sang the familiar primary church song, " I wonder when he comes again?" Poor Kevin got called out by an old lady that he was the only one not singing. He had a good excuse that he didn't know the song....but he doesn't sing songs he knows anyways ;)

                                  Will was playing hide and seek with his playdate buddy Ammon.......

When we were leaving the nursing home a woman was being wheeled out on a bed into an ambulance....We were able to tell the kids we all need to be thankful for our health and make every single day count...Most importantly, show our God in heaven that we know this life and chance to learn and grow on this a gift he gives us, because he loves us.....

1 comment:

  1. so glad we could join you guys this year! it was a GREAT experience for us all. hope we can make this a yearly tradition! thanks again! xoxo
