Sunday, June 30, 2013

" Colors in Motion " Dance Recital

After the Nutcracker Brooke made the choice on her own that she only wanted to do one day of dance a week instead of two. In order to keep the owner of the school as her teacher that meant she needed to take up tap again.

Brooke and I are so glad that she did, because Brooke is really good at tap! Brooke only had six months to learn her tap dance and the rest of the girls in her class had been doing it all year. We did have a challenge...We had many episodes of Brooke crying after dance because she said Mrs.Kathy yelled at her because she messed up in tap. ( Mrs.Kathy is strict and a yeller, but a very good teacher ) Brooke is not used to not being the best at everything...because normally is always excelling faster than all the other kids around her.  In the end it was a great learning experience for Brooke to stick tap out, because she was for sure one of the best girls in the class on stage that night of her dance recital, and she knew it!

Something interesting about Brooke is that she doesn't get stage fright like the other girls. In fact, I can expect Brooke to do her very best once she gets on stage. When watching Brooke at the rehearsal in her studio I kept asking Brooke if she was having fun or not? Because she wasn't smiling. Once Brooke gets on stage it's like she lights up with a smile and she is a real performer.

Brooke had three dances to remember at her " Colors in Motion " recital a few weeks ago. It was really impressive to see her go from ballet, to jazz to tap and remember it all without even one flaw...
Brooke really is an amazing little girl, with talents in many areas!

Thank you Grandma Pack for taking her and getting her ready for her recital because I couldn't get out of class early...Brooke always feels just as safe with Grandma Pack as she feels with Mommy. They have a special bond :)

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