Monday, June 3, 2013

No such thing as magic

I loved hearing Brooke talk with Bellamie's son in the car on the way home from church today.

Weldon: I think God lives inside our earth.

Brooke: God doesn't live inside the earth, if he did he'd be burning in lava, because that's what is inside the earth.

Weldon: God can live in lava, he is magic.

Brooke: There is no such thing as magic, the only magic on the earth is the Priesthood.

Weldon: There is too such thing as magic, what about the Sandman, Jack Frost and the Boogie Man, they use magic.

Brooke: I know who those guys are too. The sandman gives you good dreams. The Boogie Man gives you bad dreams and Jack Frost just makes winter frosty.

Weldon: Then how do they do that if they don't have magic?

Brooke: Well, they must be using the Priesthood.

Then Brooke wrapped it up by saying, " God lives in the Universe Weldon. "

Weldon: The universe?

I think Brooke gave up on it because she just answered and moved on...

Brooke: The universe like the stars and space that are all that way up in the sky.....

I am so glad that Brooke is attributing anything miraculous the power of God on the earth. It was funny, inspiring, and eye opening to hear little seven year olds thinking and discussing God. I am glad Brooke does know that worthy men can hold the power to act in God's name....

When we were in Utah we went to the Joseph Smith memorial building where they have videos and this statue of Joseph Smith, in memory of what he sacrificed for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to be brought back to the earth...

As Latter Day Saints, we know that it was prophesied in the Bible that there would be a time when the Priesthood, or authority to act in Gods name, would be taken from the earth because the church and bible had been handed over to the government, and corruption did not allow God's spirit to reside with it's leaders any longer.

Amos 8: 11-12
Behold, the days would come saith the Lord God that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the Lord. And they shall wander from sea to sea and from north even to the east and they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord and shall not find it.

God knew that in order to bring the Priesthood back onto the earth he would need a nation where there would be freedom. God helped bring that to pass with the formation of the United States of America.

In May of 1829 Peter, James and John who posses the keys of the kingdom ( Priesthood Keys )
 appeared to Joseph and Oliver and conferred on them the Melchizedek Priesthood, which allowed the necessary ordinances for salvation to be brought upon the children of God again.

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