Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Welcome to Will's World

It is true I have been accused of living in my own " Emily's Fantasy World ", free of TV, internet, and radio, but I will tell you what, Will's world is a lot more interesting than mine..........

                              So here is life according to Will-

No matter how many times you tell him that his full name is William Allen Turano, he simply will not have it, he claims loud and proud, " My name is NOT William Allen, it is Will." And don't even think about calling him a baby the way an old friend I ran into said to me a few days ago " Oh, is this your baby?" Will grumbled, " I am not a baby." She tried to play with him and make it up to him, but he was too offended to even look at her after that comment.

No matter how many times you explain to Will that the sun, and moon were made by God, for everyone, he declares over and over, " The sun belongs to Brooke, and I don't like it, it burns my eyes." Then a few min. later he goes on and on about how the moon belongs to him, and he knows how to find it. Will looks for the moon every chance he gets. He even exclaims, " There is my moon!" Of course things change with Will every few days, he did actually say one morning, " Mommy, I like that sunrise, but it is Brooke's."

No matter how many times you go over how Grandma and Grandpa are two different names for a boy and a girl, Will refuses to believe it. He thinks they are like twins...and he will call them Grandpa and Grandpa, and he will even add references to explain himself like: The Grandpa with black hair, or the Grandpa with white hair. One day we were at Grandma Pack's house and Will asked me, " Where is Grandpa?" I kept saying, just in the other room Will. Finally he said, " No, where is Grandpa's prince, the boy one Grandpa?" I said, " Oh, he is at work!"

According to Will my whole purpose is to be his Mommy and protect him. He told me this a few days ago. Will came up to me out of the blue and said, " Mommy, you are my Mommy, and you have to protect me or I will die." I just agreed with him, but quietly followed him into the other room, only a few steps behind him to find out what in the world I needed to protect him from that was going to make him die. Well sure enough, Will had a bag of cough drops he had hidden in the corner and was about to eat the bag like candy. When I asked him what he was doing he said, " I think your medicine is yummy."

In Will's world all you need is a super hero costume and you suddenly grow huge muscles and have webs that come out of your hand like Spiderman. He keeps telling me I need to get a " big one costume " so that I can fight the bad guys with him!

I get corrected by Will non-stop, because I am just not up to par with how things run in his world.
His cousin Eli is not really Eli, but Lehi, and he refuses to call him Eli even after months...he says, " No, it's Lehi, not Eli!"

Frosting is a regular condiment. Requests to have frosting on bacon is not a surprise to me, and although he doesn't get that one...he does get frosting on a waffle on occasion. And, in Will's world you can not leave the frosting accessible to him. I made this mistake when making cakes for Brooke's baptism, and Will came into my bedroom with frosting covering both hands all the way!!!! He said, " Mommy, it's just like Daddy's gel."

And lastly, the word " really" is like using a bad word in Will's dictionary. Whenever you respond to him, " Really?" after he tells you a story, Will either screams or almost cries and says, " No, not really!?" and then re-tells his whole story again. I guess he thinks that means that we really aren't listening.....

I guess I shouldn't be surprised he does all these things...after all, apparently I have my own world too ;)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Brooke's Testimony Written

       You inspire me every single day. Your Father and I will never understand why we were blessed to have such a loving, smart, fun, and mature daughter like you. We just thankfully accept the privilege it is to be your parents, and we try our very best to give you what you deserve from us. As you near your baptism, I asked you to write down your testimony. I gave you an outline of what a testimony is ( what you believe and why first, and then what you are thankful for, ending in the name of Jesus Christ ) You wrote this all by yourself. As I came to read it at the table you were sitting at, I was reminded again how special of a daughter of God that you are. I knew your testimony was strong, but I am so glad to have it written down, my little seven- year old Brooke and her beliefs and thoughts. I love you more than anything in the world.
                                                                                                                  Love Always,

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Will's Sock Cup

We leave it to will to bring us our laughs every day. 
You would think Will had been spending a lot of time with Grandma Pack at restaurants the way he is so picky about how he orders up his cup of milk and juice everyday.
  Will has become so specific about how he likes his milk and juice served to him in his cup.
We have learned that we should never just pour the drink without taking his order, 
because it could be a complete waste, or we will just be directed on how to make it right.
We started realizing to get his order first when he kept saying, " This isn't right, the milk is cold. I like warm milk." Well that lasted about one day, and I said, "Will, you aren't a baby, I am not going to heat your milk up every time. We have to go places." So Kevin cleverly thought of how to fix this problem after request after request that suddenly Will wanted warm milk. Kevin took off his sock and put it over Will's cup, because Will complained that his hand was cold on the cup. Well, this sock over Will's drink has become an absolute must!!! In fact, Will wont even drink anything, even a juice box, without requesting Daddy's black sock over it! Now this can't always happen, in which case I say, " Sorry, Will, I don't have Daddy's dirty sock in the car to help you." Well, guess what Will started doing? Yes, he started bringing Daddy's black sock in the car with him just in case he needs it! As if we didn't already have problems with losing Daddy's socks!!! Now finding Daddy's socks is like trying to get Will's order of milk, right, with out first asking him. 
So, we thought we had our problem solved with covering refrigerated drinks with Daddy's sock, and then suddenly Will started requesting ICE in his milk, with the sock over the cup! Then he started requesting water mixed in with the milk and ice!!! This just kept getting weirder and weirder...
We were used to juice with ice, with a sock over the cup, and then he started wanting his juice heated up, with no ice, and a sock over the cup!!! 
So....We banned the microwave from his orders, but we don't mind adding ice, and water to his concoction.
And, who knows how long this sock over the cup fetish will last...I think Kevin is regretting his idea as he searches for his socks in the morning. Will even takes his cup like that to school...All his teachers just laugh, and as normal exclaim, " Will is so funny!"

Will is extremely smart, but very manipulative. Which doesn't work too well for me because I am very gullible and such a softy...
So Will always trys to keep me in his bed with him at night time after his and my little scripture study.
Will tells me like he is about to die, " But, I need you Mommy, you can't leave me." 
I always tell him he is a big boy and he needs to sleep by himself. Well, he'd keep on and on about how he needs me, and so I just give him more reasons I can't stay. I tell him, " We all have our own beds." 
Then he says, " Daddy sleeps with you." Then I tell him, " Brooke sleeps alone because she is big." 
Then he says, " But you are big, and I am going to get big to sleep in bed with you."
Then finally I tell him a real truth, I say, " Will, if I sleep in your bed it hurts my neck."
So, then Will says, " His bed hurts his neck too." 

So this morning, Will is on my floor in my room when I wake up, and I say Will why are you on my floor? 
He says, " Because my bed hurts my neck!"