Thursday, February 13, 2014

Brooke's Testimony Written

       You inspire me every single day. Your Father and I will never understand why we were blessed to have such a loving, smart, fun, and mature daughter like you. We just thankfully accept the privilege it is to be your parents, and we try our very best to give you what you deserve from us. As you near your baptism, I asked you to write down your testimony. I gave you an outline of what a testimony is ( what you believe and why first, and then what you are thankful for, ending in the name of Jesus Christ ) You wrote this all by yourself. As I came to read it at the table you were sitting at, I was reminded again how special of a daughter of God that you are. I knew your testimony was strong, but I am so glad to have it written down, my little seven- year old Brooke and her beliefs and thoughts. I love you more than anything in the world.
                                                                                                                  Love Always,

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