Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Will's Sock Cup

We leave it to will to bring us our laughs every day. 
You would think Will had been spending a lot of time with Grandma Pack at restaurants the way he is so picky about how he orders up his cup of milk and juice everyday.
  Will has become so specific about how he likes his milk and juice served to him in his cup.
We have learned that we should never just pour the drink without taking his order, 
because it could be a complete waste, or we will just be directed on how to make it right.
We started realizing to get his order first when he kept saying, " This isn't right, the milk is cold. I like warm milk." Well that lasted about one day, and I said, "Will, you aren't a baby, I am not going to heat your milk up every time. We have to go places." So Kevin cleverly thought of how to fix this problem after request after request that suddenly Will wanted warm milk. Kevin took off his sock and put it over Will's cup, because Will complained that his hand was cold on the cup. Well, this sock over Will's drink has become an absolute must!!! In fact, Will wont even drink anything, even a juice box, without requesting Daddy's black sock over it! Now this can't always happen, in which case I say, " Sorry, Will, I don't have Daddy's dirty sock in the car to help you." Well, guess what Will started doing? Yes, he started bringing Daddy's black sock in the car with him just in case he needs it! As if we didn't already have problems with losing Daddy's socks!!! Now finding Daddy's socks is like trying to get Will's order of milk, right, with out first asking him. 
So, we thought we had our problem solved with covering refrigerated drinks with Daddy's sock, and then suddenly Will started requesting ICE in his milk, with the sock over the cup! Then he started requesting water mixed in with the milk and ice!!! This just kept getting weirder and weirder...
We were used to juice with ice, with a sock over the cup, and then he started wanting his juice heated up, with no ice, and a sock over the cup!!! 
So....We banned the microwave from his orders, but we don't mind adding ice, and water to his concoction.
And, who knows how long this sock over the cup fetish will last...I think Kevin is regretting his idea as he searches for his socks in the morning. Will even takes his cup like that to school...All his teachers just laugh, and as normal exclaim, " Will is so funny!"

Will is extremely smart, but very manipulative. Which doesn't work too well for me because I am very gullible and such a softy...
So Will always trys to keep me in his bed with him at night time after his and my little scripture study.
Will tells me like he is about to die, " But, I need you Mommy, you can't leave me." 
I always tell him he is a big boy and he needs to sleep by himself. Well, he'd keep on and on about how he needs me, and so I just give him more reasons I can't stay. I tell him, " We all have our own beds." 
Then he says, " Daddy sleeps with you." Then I tell him, " Brooke sleeps alone because she is big." 
Then he says, " But you are big, and I am going to get big to sleep in bed with you."
Then finally I tell him a real truth, I say, " Will, if I sleep in your bed it hurts my neck."
So, then Will says, " His bed hurts his neck too." 

So this morning, Will is on my floor in my room when I wake up, and I say Will why are you on my floor? 
He says, " Because my bed hurts my neck!"


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