Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Brooke's Funny Joke

Don't let this little girls straight A's and reputation of always being the teacher's pet fool you too much....Brooke Turano is known not only in our house for her wacky sense of humor, but among her close friends as well.

There isn't hardly anything as exciting for Brooke as the chance to dress wacky for school. Brooke's ideas of wacky are so wild that I do have to turn down a lot of her requests. For example, Brooke wanted to wear a hanger on her head with curling ribbon hanging off of it, as part of dressing wacky at school day.

Brooke is always pulling jokes around our house...The latest one was a day when Kevin would be going to his office for a few hours and then was headed out of town to MO. When Brooke gave Kevin his good bye hug she pulled a little trick on him! A few hours after Kevin got to work he sent me a picture of what he had been wearing on his back for hours at his office and out running errands. No one said anything to him at his office, but when he went to the gas station someone took it off his back and handed it to him...

The note reads: I'm off to Mexico - My name is Gobble

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