Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Little Lawyer

                                            How could this little face, not win the case?

  Sometimes I feel like I am the one on the stand and Will is interrogating me with every known question to man about life in general, and even at four years old Will's little brain has considered re-incarnation!

A few days ago Will said to me, " Mommy, if we are going to resurrect, what if I resurrected into a baby spiders egg and I came out as a spider? " 
He sure knows how to tug at his Mommy's heart and made a pretty good case the other night when I was leaving the room, after tucking him in, Will said,
" Mommy, I just don't like it when it's dark because I get really worried that I might have gone blind? Maybe my eyes stopped working? "
Of course there are some cases that just aren't quite as believable as at the dinner table Will said recently, " Mommy, I can't eat fruits and vegetables because I am worried that one of the seeds in them will grow in my stomach and I will get a huge strawberry plant growing inside my body. "

Then there are the comments that just make me want to retreat all together and hit the gavel down as the judge and say, " I admit it, I am have my heart, as Will turns to me and says, " Mommy, I like how you take care of me. You take good care of me." And he squeezes me tight as he says this!

And, the unforgettable request of late from my little lawyer proved his intelligence, as he showed me that he knows who the real heroes are...
A few nights ago Will said, " Mommy, Jesus is nice....can I get His costume and be Him for Halloween? " 
Our court room is pretty exciting and full of tears and smiles, just like I'd assume most court rooms can be ;) 

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