Monday, November 23, 2015

calming after the storm

I was not surprised, but yet still deeply thankful for whom Will showed he was ( a child 
of great faith ) when
last week the tornado alarms went off at 4am in the morning. 

Will ( and Brooke ) said first thing after I rushed them into my arms and carried them into the closet, 
" Mommy, shouldn't we pray ." 

Will could never go back to sleep all night, but he knew just what would help calm him. 
After awhile of trying to get Will back to sleep he said, " I think we should watch scripture videos Mommy. They make me feel better." 

Will knows where and whom to turn to in his time of need, and for that I am extremely thankful. 

A couple nights ago when putting Will to bed and he said, " Mommy scriptures are the best. I love them." I felt really really happy that He has been blessed by the Lord with the spirit that helps him desire more and more to feast upon and seek that which is light. 

If Will continues in his desires, he will be happy no matter what, and that is all a Mother could want for her child. 


   My little princess Brooke almost always has a book in her hand, or right in front of her nose. Brooke has read the whole Harry Potter series, Percy Jackson series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Peter Pan and the Starcatchers series, Lemony Snicket Series, Little House on the Prairie series and more.... and multiple times! When the Friend Magazine comes to the house the whole thing is read by Brooke within twenty-min, and I don't even have time to sit down and read it with her before she's let it all sink in on her own....

When I catch Brooke playing with her dolls and pretending I bask in delight. It calms me that she isn't as old as she acts most of the time, and that she is still my little princess, no matter how deep and intellectual she becomes!

I couldn't believe it when Brooke told me that she had a new favorite book. Grandpa Pack took her shopping for at the school book fair and Brooke was excited to get some new books! Brooke has been talking about and loving about Harry Potter everything for years and suddenly she has found a new favorite book!? I had to re-state her words to make sure I heard correct?

 She began reading me her favorite page in the book too fast for me to even understand her words.

Before I could get a word in she told me, " I really like to try and comprehend what the author was thinking we should think of while we read this." I think Brooke likes to " Ponderize" like me!

When I re-read the page through her eyes, I could see why she loved the book. It is just like her!
The Brooke I know believes in possibilities, likes to discover, explore and believes in looking outside the box to find answers unfound and create new ideas, and turn them into reality.

Here is her favorite paragraph in the entire book ( as she reiterated this many times to me ), " The Lost Track of Time" by Paige Britt:

"The great moodler was known far and wide for being exactly that- A great moodler. She came up with real possibilities. First she would moodle on the smallest faintest notion, Soon it would blossom into an idea, With constant moodling her ideas took flight, soaring overhead and colliding with one another until sparks flew. From the sparks her ideas caught fire, streaking into the sky and exploding with possibilities."

I love the way that Brooke went and found her favorite paragraph in the book to " moodle " on herself as she considered what all the ideas the Great Moodler had, might have been?

Monday, November 16, 2015

RR For Kevin's Birthday!

                                                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGELESS KEVIN!
  Kevin and I celebrated his birthday on an extra long date about an hour away, at the Hilton Lake Ray Hubbard. We had wonderful time relaxing, eating dinner and sleeping in! I am so blessed to be married to Kevin Turano. I have learned so very much from him, we have tons of fun together and he is one of the most patient, loyal and hardworking people's I have ever known.

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Stripling Warriors - Soccer Team

Will's soccer team  is " THE STRIPLING WARRIORS " ! Coincidentally Will's jersey is number 2 . It is a coincidence because Will really ranks second best on his team in amount of goals put in every game! 

Based on what you see Will do when he is off the field, you would think that he was just a pain kind of player to have on the team. 

Will literally lays down to go to sleep sometimes when he is off the field, and there is a reason why he gets so tired! Will goes wild on the field to get the ball. He is the one running the ball to their goal every moment of every game!  Will's very patient Coach whom happens to pick all the little boys up each week from his ward, and take them to a field to practice, said of Will , " It's like Will has no fear for anything! He's awesome!" 

I agree that Will has no fear, and he also is determined to have things his way. This can be a good and a bad thing. On occasion Will has actually sat down on the ball so that no one can get it from him! I guess he thought it would be okay to sit on the ball since the only thing he was told not to do was pick the ball up with his hands.

Will is going to continue to play on the " Stripling Warriors" team as long as they keep it going, which will probably be a while since, 


My only concern is that Will is getting used to scoring many goals a game....

We will see what happens when they finally come across some teams with some competition?   

The coolest thing that happens every practice and game is hearing the little boys put their hands in and pulling them out with the words, " Stripling Warriors." 

Hopefully the other boys know on the team why this name is special? Will surely knows it is because they stood for " God, Freedom, Family and  Their Religion." 

And most of all - They did not doubt their Mother's knew it / believed in God. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Isabel comes to Texas!!!!

                                                  Audrey's oldest daughter Isabel came to visit Grandma Pack this October. It was tons of fun for us all, and especially Brooke because she basically had a mini Grandma Pack and girly trip herself. Brooke went with them while I did math most days...but Will and I did get to go with them to Rain Forest Cafe! It was lots of fun to go shopping with the two best shoppers I know- Grandma Pack and Isabel ;) I had forgotten what going to the mall and shopping was even like! No joke!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Happy Happy Halloween

           The kids love to decorate the front door for Halloween!!!! Every year our door is different!!!!

Sweeter than all the candy in the world

                          Candy is pretty sweet....but I think this Halloween treat that we have in our house right now is even sweeter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bunny Mammas For Halloween

Since Brooke and I have been bunny Mamma's lately...we decided we better be bunnies for Halloween. Kevin and Will of course were more manly Star Wars themed! It was a great pleasure to have Grandma Turano visit us Halloween weekend! Grandma Turano will probably never forget Halloween at our wild house since Kevin set off the smoke alarm multiple times with his smoke machine, and we had neighbor children being abandoned and left under our care with out any mention of when they would go home, and knowing they likely were sleeping over, and not to mention she babysat sugar overloaded toddlers dance around in Kevin's disco ball and laser light room, with blasting loud music. 

PS. Brooke's little bunny tail was put on crooked because she was so excited that her and I had decided last min. to be bunnies together that when we returned from Walgreens together, she didn't even wait for me to help her! She quickly cut a hole in her pants and tied the tail to pants crooked and she didn't want me to fix it because she was too ready to play she was a bunny ;) 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The best treat on Halloween!


The best treat we got this Halloween was a spontaneous visit from Grandma Turano!
We enjoyed visiting a local pumpkin patch with her....First the hay maze was fun as a maze, and then they jumped from bale to bale of hay! Maybe the workers weren't worried about the hay getting ruined because it was the last day of business, or maybe because it was raining and not many people were there? We told the kids if they could pick up the pumpkin and carry it to the register, it was theirs. Part of the pumpkin purchase included the choice of  a picture that the sales associates would carve for you while you watched. A pumpkin patch visit is not complete without a hay ride...we enjoyed the beautiful neighborhood with yards decorated fun and spooky on this "Tucker Hill" hay ride.