Monday, November 23, 2015

calming after the storm

I was not surprised, but yet still deeply thankful for whom Will showed he was ( a child 
of great faith ) when
last week the tornado alarms went off at 4am in the morning. 

Will ( and Brooke ) said first thing after I rushed them into my arms and carried them into the closet, 
" Mommy, shouldn't we pray ." 

Will could never go back to sleep all night, but he knew just what would help calm him. 
After awhile of trying to get Will back to sleep he said, " I think we should watch scripture videos Mommy. They make me feel better." 

Will knows where and whom to turn to in his time of need, and for that I am extremely thankful. 

A couple nights ago when putting Will to bed and he said, " Mommy scriptures are the best. I love them." I felt really really happy that He has been blessed by the Lord with the spirit that helps him desire more and more to feast upon and seek that which is light. 

If Will continues in his desires, he will be happy no matter what, and that is all a Mother could want for her child. 

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