Tuesday, December 22, 2015

We are blessed!

                                         Merry Christmas from Kevin, Emily, Brooke and Will

              ( Thank you Grandma Pack for waking up early to snap some Christmas pics of us! )

Will Proclaims God's Laws

When Christmas shopping Brooke and Will found a twenty dollar bill on the ground. Brooke asked me, ( perhaps in curiosity as to what I would say? ) , in her soft sweet voice, " What should we do with this Mommy? We found it on the ground." Will on the other hand seemed to have a twinge of disappointment as he said with a bold passion in his voice, " I KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I WANT TO FOLLOW JESUS'S LAW AND NOT STEAL! BECAUSE THAT'S NOT OURS AND I LEARNED GOD'S LAW TO NOT STEAL AT CHURCH!" I am so glad that Will had such passion in following the commandments! As those were his exact words. I felt thankful that at church we have so much help teaching our children what is right. Thanks to all those awesome Primary teachers out there and especially for the amazing teachers that Will has now - The Doyles. 

Our American Idol Entertainer

                              Will was belting out Christmas carols all day on the day of his
                     Preschool Christmas concert!

                    Will's teachers told us as we arrived at the chapel of the church -  that we were in for a surprise because suddenly on the last day of practice Will sang like he was an entertainer on American Idol.

       He for sure was having fun! It was a very sweet memory to add to our last year of Will in                                                                                        preschool.

Interrogating Santa

Well, I should have considered more carefully about how smart Will is before I allowed him to visit with three different Santas this year at different events. First we saw a Santa Clause at the mall, second we saw the Santa at the ward Christmas Party ( church party ), and last we saw another Santa Clause at my work Christmas Party( for children at Baylor Hospital ).

Will's  interrogations for the first Santa encounter were acceptable and funny as he said to Santa boldly, " Did you know that you are famous? Did you know that they wrote a book about you where you are on the roof of a house? Have you read that book? "

Santa was surprised, but said, " Oh, yes. I have read that book."

He probably was used to children jumping on his lap and telling him what they want. I doubt he  is acquainted with being interviewed by a five-year old?

The second Santa Clause that Will saw at the church Christmas Party is featured in these pictures. Will said to him, " Did you know that I saw another one of you at another place? Are you the real Santa or was the other one the real Santa? How does the real Santa know what I would like if you aren't the real Santa?"

Brooke tried to be helpful and deflected the questions to get Will to think of something else as she asked Santa, " How many reindeer do you have? "

Santa handled the questions nicely as he told Will, " Don't you know that Santa knows and knows if  you have been bad or good?  Have you been a good boy this year? "

I think next year we better only allow Will to see one Santa Clause, otherwise we may be put on Santa's naughty list as Will might spill the beans to all the other children in line?

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Making the tree together

Brooke and Will had a really special and fun time helping Grandma Turano put up and decorate her tree this year! It was a wonderful family gathering at Grandma Turano's house. Grandma Turano had a story to tell about each of her ornaments, where she got them and what they meant to her. 

Although Grandpa Turano was not with us in body, he sure was with us through Kevin. 
Kevin remembered and missed Grandpa Turano as he played Christmas songs the best he could on the piano while the children sang and took their turn putting on ornaments. 

Grandma Turano said she this would be the last year she put up her Christmas tree but I sure hope we can do this again as a family ( help her put up and decorate her tree ) , since it was a special memory for Brooke and Will to have with their Grandma Tuano. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Daddy's Game Giving

Leave it to Daddy to get the fun going for the youngsters at family gatherings!
Kevin has always been the favorite uncle and with good cause. When Kevin sees his children and others, he gathers them around and plays games with them.

Kevin was challenging Brooke and Will to race their cousins Brittany and Cameron down the block. Following races they played hot potato with one the dog's fetch balls! Who cares the dog has slobbered on it, Uncle Leonard and I watched in awe as Kevin made our children laugh!

Giving Thanks the Thanksgiving Drive to MO

This Thanksgiving we visited with the Turano side of the family. It was a great time with each other.
On our eight hour drive to KC, Missouri I asked the kids to write a list of all the things that they are thankful for. Here is Brooke's list. Although she hand wrote it and numbered it in exactly this order, I will type it out now :

1. Atonement
2. God

Brooke had fun playing with her adopted cousin (Uncle Leonard's adopted daughter ) Brittany!