Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Will Proclaims God's Laws

When Christmas shopping Brooke and Will found a twenty dollar bill on the ground. Brooke asked me, ( perhaps in curiosity as to what I would say? ) , in her soft sweet voice, " What should we do with this Mommy? We found it on the ground." Will on the other hand seemed to have a twinge of disappointment as he said with a bold passion in his voice, " I KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I WANT TO FOLLOW JESUS'S LAW AND NOT STEAL! BECAUSE THAT'S NOT OURS AND I LEARNED GOD'S LAW TO NOT STEAL AT CHURCH!" I am so glad that Will had such passion in following the commandments! As those were his exact words. I felt thankful that at church we have so much help teaching our children what is right. Thanks to all those awesome Primary teachers out there and especially for the amazing teachers that Will has now - The Doyles. 

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