Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Interrogating Santa

Well, I should have considered more carefully about how smart Will is before I allowed him to visit with three different Santas this year at different events. First we saw a Santa Clause at the mall, second we saw the Santa at the ward Christmas Party ( church party ), and last we saw another Santa Clause at my work Christmas Party( for children at Baylor Hospital ).

Will's  interrogations for the first Santa encounter were acceptable and funny as he said to Santa boldly, " Did you know that you are famous? Did you know that they wrote a book about you where you are on the roof of a house? Have you read that book? "

Santa was surprised, but said, " Oh, yes. I have read that book."

He probably was used to children jumping on his lap and telling him what they want. I doubt he  is acquainted with being interviewed by a five-year old?

The second Santa Clause that Will saw at the church Christmas Party is featured in these pictures. Will said to him, " Did you know that I saw another one of you at another place? Are you the real Santa or was the other one the real Santa? How does the real Santa know what I would like if you aren't the real Santa?"

Brooke tried to be helpful and deflected the questions to get Will to think of something else as she asked Santa, " How many reindeer do you have? "

Santa handled the questions nicely as he told Will, " Don't you know that Santa knows and knows if  you have been bad or good?  Have you been a good boy this year? "

I think next year we better only allow Will to see one Santa Clause, otherwise we may be put on Santa's naughty list as Will might spill the beans to all the other children in line?

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