Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Lets Go Fly A Kite

When we went to visit Grandma Turano's last weekend - She had bought Will and Brooke some kites as a surprise.

They were excited about the kites, but even more excited that she took us a to a Kite Festival where they could enjoy seeing the sky filled with fun kites of all kinds! 

The day after we were back in town, it was fun to hear Will tell his friends, 

" You guys, I have the fastest and best kite than anyone ever had! It is a Lady Bug, and I took it to a Kite Show where there were lots of kites, even Spider Man, but my kite was even better than Spider Man!"


 After hearing what her 4th Grade teacher had to say about Brooke last week -It should be no surprise that Brooke is blessed to be in the Gifted And Talented Program at her elementary school.

Last week as I was texting with Brooke's school teacher - ( Brooke had taken it upon herself to ask if she could go to school early, in order to practice Math - since the Math Texas Star Testing is coming up) She complimented Brooke and said, " Brooke is such a responsible girl. She always shows responsibility in the class room and now I am sure she does at home too!"

I believe that it is not only Brooke's brain genes that she inherited from Grandpa Pack that gave her the opportunity to be in the GT Program - but it is also her desire to excel at all she does and follow through with her desires in action!

Grandpa Pack came to the S.T.E.A.M. Fair that was held at Prosper, High School with us a couple of weeks ago as Brooke had invited him last min. ( Grandma Pack would have liked to go, but had a previous commitment ).

Brooke displayed a robot that her and her GT Group programmed and put together - at this Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & Arts all based in Mathematical elements Fair.

It was also neat for Brooke to see the High School student's robots which helped her envision where her brains can take her as she progresses through the program.

Of course, Grandpa Pack completed the fun night for Brooke with a treat to ice cream - after the exciting night!


Monday, April 25, 2016


There is a powerful lesson to be learned from the caterpillar. Brooke and Will are enjoying watching the process. while they excitedly check multiple times a day ; first tiny caterpillars, then bigger caterpillars, and then cacoons; I remind them - everything worthwhile, beautiful, and good - takes time, hard work, and patience ; but just as the butterfly who endured, and thought it's life was over - then becomes a butterfly - so will your hard work, patience and enduring create lasting beauty and fulfilment because of Him.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Facing Their Tents Towards Him

This past weekend was one of the three highlights of my year ( Christmas and General Conference *2 ).

I am not one-hundred percent sure that I can say the same thing for Brooke and William about General Conference weekend being in the top events of the year for them - but I do know that they really do look forward to hearing and seeing the prophet and apostles speak on television.

This year for the time we watched alone - Brooke, Will and I - Brooke had a fabulous idea that really showed me how she is connecting our scripture reading to her own life.

Brooke said excitedly to Will as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang on T.V. before the first session began,

" Will!!! I have an idea! Lets make a tent like the people who watched King Benjamin speak, and face the prophets in our tent Will! "

What a great example of a sister that Will is blessed to have as she showed her excitement to hear the prophet speak.

I also know for certain that Will felt the spirit that helped him love the Lord at higher levels.

As I was putting Will to bed the night after watching General Conference at Grandma and Grandpa Pack's house-

Will held me tight and said, " Mommy, I love you....and I really love God and Jesus too. "

I said so pleased, " I love them too Will."

Then Will said, " I like that Jesus likes the sheep Mommy....But, why does He like sheep Mommy? "

I smiled inside and said, " Will, Jesus is called the Shepard sometimes because a Shepard takes care of sheep, and Jesus takes care of all of us here on earth, so really when Jesus asks us to feed His sheep, He is really asking us to help Him take of people too."

Will thought....then said, " But, Mommy...Does that mean that I should work at Walmart?"

It wasn't the first time Will said something unusual so, I thought, " Walmart?" and said, " Why Walmart Will?"

He answered, " Well, Walmart has all different kinds of food and a lot of it, so then I could feed everybody if I worked there."

I am amazed how how much my children love the Lord, and how fast that they jump to anything that they think would be pleasing to God. I feel so blessed by them and grateful beyond measure - to be their Mother.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Erin's visit to Texas

I am truly blessed to have my best friend from thirteen-years old still a part of my life. Erin came to visit me here in Texas last month. There is nothing like an old friend that has known you in your good times, and bad times. Knows so much about you, and still loves you.

Erin and I went shopping, ate lunch, and movie while she was here. Erin was also very kind to come with me on my church meetings and to take care of Jeffrey.

My personal favorite was when we went to the Dallas Temple together. It is so special to know that I will have a best friend with me in eternity. I loved to feel Erin's love for the Lord while worshiping with her this way. I loved to share special thoughts and spiritual experiences in the temple with her.

I feel extremely blessed and thankful for Erin. My heart rejoices that we are both steadfast in the love of God and His gospel through Jesus Christ.