Saturday, April 2, 2016

Erin's visit to Texas

I am truly blessed to have my best friend from thirteen-years old still a part of my life. Erin came to visit me here in Texas last month. There is nothing like an old friend that has known you in your good times, and bad times. Knows so much about you, and still loves you.

Erin and I went shopping, ate lunch, and movie while she was here. Erin was also very kind to come with me on my church meetings and to take care of Jeffrey.

My personal favorite was when we went to the Dallas Temple together. It is so special to know that I will have a best friend with me in eternity. I loved to feel Erin's love for the Lord while worshiping with her this way. I loved to share special thoughts and spiritual experiences in the temple with her.

I feel extremely blessed and thankful for Erin. My heart rejoices that we are both steadfast in the love of God and His gospel through Jesus Christ.

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