Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Facing Their Tents Towards Him

This past weekend was one of the three highlights of my year ( Christmas and General Conference *2 ).

I am not one-hundred percent sure that I can say the same thing for Brooke and William about General Conference weekend being in the top events of the year for them - but I do know that they really do look forward to hearing and seeing the prophet and apostles speak on television.

This year for the time we watched alone - Brooke, Will and I - Brooke had a fabulous idea that really showed me how she is connecting our scripture reading to her own life.

Brooke said excitedly to Will as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang on T.V. before the first session began,

" Will!!! I have an idea! Lets make a tent like the people who watched King Benjamin speak, and face the prophets in our tent Will! "

What a great example of a sister that Will is blessed to have as she showed her excitement to hear the prophet speak.

I also know for certain that Will felt the spirit that helped him love the Lord at higher levels.

As I was putting Will to bed the night after watching General Conference at Grandma and Grandpa Pack's house-

Will held me tight and said, " Mommy, I love you....and I really love God and Jesus too. "

I said so pleased, " I love them too Will."

Then Will said, " I like that Jesus likes the sheep Mommy....But, why does He like sheep Mommy? "

I smiled inside and said, " Will, Jesus is called the Shepard sometimes because a Shepard takes care of sheep, and Jesus takes care of all of us here on earth, so really when Jesus asks us to feed His sheep, He is really asking us to help Him take of people too."

Will thought....then said, " But, Mommy...Does that mean that I should work at Walmart?"

It wasn't the first time Will said something unusual so, I thought, " Walmart?" and said, " Why Walmart Will?"

He answered, " Well, Walmart has all different kinds of food and a lot of it, so then I could feed everybody if I worked there."

I am amazed how how much my children love the Lord, and how fast that they jump to anything that they think would be pleasing to God. I feel so blessed by them and grateful beyond measure - to be their Mother.

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