Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Horseback Riding Camp

Thanks to Grandma Turano, Brooke had an unforgettable experience as she attended an all-day horseback riding camp for one-week, This Summer.

I had never seen Brooke so excited to wake up as she was that week! She had zero complaints about arising before the sun, and not even one complaint about wearing long jeans each day in the Texas heat!?

The only thing Brooke talked about from the time she was finished with camp each day was her assigned horse " Buttercup ". And, Buttercup was the word until bedtime!

Brooke explained as she learned about riding, that she does well at posting while the horse trots.

She enjoyed learning how to care for the horses and everything that it takes to work on a horse ranch.

The last day of camp Brooke was allowed to do up her horses hair, and show all of us parents how confident that she had become at riding a horse!

Brooke would have had fun no matter how she attended this camp, but it made it extra fun that two of Brooke's best friends Izzy and Lali attended the camp with her!!!

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