Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hall Hero

Will has made this first block of Kindergarten look like a piece of cake! You might even think Will was being bribed with cake each day at Kindergarten? Of course is what you would think if you had previously known the Will whom everyone was terrified as to what would happen to him once he was asked to sit still in a chair, in Elementry school?

You know the sayings that Mothers know best is true? 

I am very thankful that my instincts told me that Will would be just fine in Kindergarten, and I probably even underestimated how well he would do once he matured a little! I am glad that I also had great advise from many to hold him back a year. I think this also is one reason Will is doing so well at school this year. 

Will has not had a single day of Kindergarten that he did not get into the car after school without enthusiasm and positive feedback about the way that school is going for him. 

Will said after the first week that he had made a friend named Luke, and that Luke had been finding him everyday on the playground, but Will explained to me,
" Luke is getting sick of looking for me on the playground, so he asked me if I would wear the same clothes everyday?" 

I asked Will what his answer was and he said, " I told Luke maybe because I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I didn't think you would let me do that." 

Will feels so proud to be getting older, and I was over joyed at Will's request to me last week as he said, 

" You know Mommy, I really don't need to read the little kid Book of Mormon anymore, because I am learning to read. I want to read the real book like Brooke now." 

I must have underestimated Will again because my heart leaped for joy and a bit of shock that Will was taking his goal into his own hands as he exited the car a couple days ago, ( we were walking into Brooke's basket ball practice) and Will had the adult version of the blue Book of Mormon in hand. 

I said, " Will where did you get that Book of Mormon? " 
He said, " I found it at our house and I brought it because I wanted you to read it to mec while we waited for Brooke's practice to end." 

We have began reading the " Big Book of Mormon " and Will is proving to me that he was ready as he can handle me giving him definitions to words each and every verse wec read. 

When I received an email from Will's Kindergarten teacher that said that he always shows leadership in the class and so he was chosen to be first ever " Hall Hero" of the school year, I was so happy that Will's good attitude and desire to behave well was not only recognized by me, but by his teacher! 

Will was surprised to be chosen as the " Hall Hero" only one day later again, as Will explained to me, 
" No one else was listening to the teacher, so she had to choose me again, even though she was going tob give others a turn." 

Will has a huge heart with desires to help. 

As we were driving in the car a few days ago Will said to me, " Mommy, if you ever need money, I know What we can do. Daddy has a bussiness, so we can take my toys to Daddy's office and he can sell them for money." 

I said, " Will! We don't need to sell your toys for money! Why would you say that? " 

Will answered, " Well, if you ever need money, you can sell my toys." ..

My little sweetheart just keeps getting cuter and smarter! Most of all though Will really wants to be successful at whatever he sets his mind to. 

Next time I will not underestimate my Will, with a will!


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