Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bold and Resiliant

Brooke's teachers wrote an acrosic poem about her :

Open minded
Eager to succeed

These words truly do describe my princess Brooke.

Brooke has come home from school with some stories lately about some of the other children being mean to less popular classmates.

I was so proud as Brooke told me that she stuck up for a classmate and when her friends said, " Brooke, you are going to make the popular kids not like you if you do that." Brooke tols me that her reply to her friends was, " I don't care what the other kids think, or about being popular."

Brooke really does stand up for right, and the results are not startling to me at all, as Brooke is bold, kind and resiliant, she is never lacking friends or popularity.

A few days ago I felt happy that Brooke asked me to go to her school and have lunch with her. I know this will probably be the last year that she asks me to come sit with her at lunch, give me a hug afterwards, and tell me that she loves me, in front of her frienbs?

But, I suppose I could be wrong since Brooke doesn't care about what other kids think?

Either way I savored the lunch with her!!!

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