Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sacrament Cups

I think that some people at church might think that I am letting you get away with not following rules? I am not too worried about what others think, but I want to share your own testimony at 6 years old, with you as you will one day read this.  Each week, at church, during the time that the Sacrament is being passed Will, you follow my instructions to think about Jesus, but each time after you take the cup to drink the water, you keep it. If you had been just playing around I wouldn't have let you do this Will, but you specifically talk about the cup reminding you of Jesus and You tell me that you want to take it home to remember Jesus at home. You really show such love for your Savior. You keep a little stack of Sacrament cups in your room and each time that I clean your room, I am reminded of how blessed that I am to have a son that loves the Lord. You love to go to church Will. You worry a lot about certain friends of yours that you say might not know about Jesus? Sometimes you randomly pray for them by name in your nightly personal prayer. Lately you have been praying for a little girl in your class whom is new. In your prayer at night you pray for her by name and ask that the other girls in your class will play with her. You tried to invite her to play with you and your boy friends, but she told you that she didn't want to play with boys. A few nights ago you prayed thank you that this girl made some girl friends. You love, and care in between all your running around like a super hero. Tonight the cat had one of your sacrament cups in his mouth, to play with it. It didn't dawn on you that the cat was playing you just said, " Oh why can't the cat take sacrament and think about Jesus?"
You want everyone and everything to think about and care about Jesus. I am blessed for your example. You can take the Sacrament cups home if you want. It reminds us both how blessed we are to have our Savior.

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