Saturday, August 12, 2017

Ariel and Brooke

This past school year Brooke was taken with all of the other 5th graders to deliver paper hearts to the children in the Special Needs Program, at their school.

After being around these children that day, and a few weeks later, Brooke began to talk about her love for these special children. Everyday as I picked her up from school Brooke had stories to share about each child in the class.

Brooke had told me that her and a good girlfriend of hers, went each day on their recess to read books and visit these children, but I did not know that it would be an ongoing service, nor how special this experience was, that these children were obtaining from Brooke? One day, I had a teacher flag me down at the carpool line, with hands waving in the air, to stop me. This teacher said she had been trying to catch me to let me know what an amazing daughter that I have, and that even when her friend stopping joining her, Brooke went each day to read to the children in her class, and give up her time to help. This teacher told me of one little girl in particular that Brooke had become a light and miracle to. This little girl's name is Ariel. This teacher explained that each day that Brooke arrived to the class room, Ariel would begin jumping up and down and clapping with joy. Ariel can not see but shadows and some colors, but Ariel learned Brooke's soft voice, touch of the hand, and offer to read her some books. Ariel can not speak except for the two words , " uhhh-huu and no ".

When Brooke was invited to Ariel's birthday this summer Ariel jumped for excitement and said , " Uhhh huuuu " loudly as she rushed Brooke to her room to show her, her Space.

With tears in her eyes Ariel's Mother cried and said, " No child has ever taken interest in Ariel, ever. Brooke is special to Ariel. "

Brooke talks often about wanting to be a Special Needs Teacher when she grows up.

When I have asked Brooke why she says this, she says that she feels the spirit around these children, and that she knows they are perfect. Brooke says she feels like she loves Ariel because they need each other and that she hopes to keep reading to Ariel in her home now that she is in Middle School.

When we had to leave Ariel's birthday party, Ariel ran to the door after realizing we were leaving. She then said the only other word she can speak, " No ".

I am humbled by Brooke's goal to give her life to being a Special Needs Teacher. I love you so much my precious princess Brooke.

The world will always be a better place, with you in it.

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