Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Growing Pains

Well Will has been having a problem with growing up lately, and if you did not see him in his little seven-year old tooshie , you might think that he was going through empty nest syndrome.

Will was crying real tears and shrinking into a ball as I lay in bed with him a few nights ago.

I was trying to Comfort him when he said,
" Brooke is just growing up too fast. "

In his own words he said, " In only four years Brooke will be able to drive and I will never see her anymore and she definitly wont want to play in our clubhouse anymore."

I could not calm Will down. I thought, oh my gosh he is right! And, I could not stand seeing him so sad. I asked Brooke to sleep with Will that night.

When Visiting Grandma Turano a couple weeks ago when she asked Will what he wanted to be when he grows up, Will said, " Grandma, Do you think I am old enough to be making descisions like that yet? " Her shock turned into is all laughing.

When sitting together after school doing homework one day, Will said, " As soon as I finish can we walk to Jordan's? " I said, " Sure." When I told Will to put his shoes on he said to me, " You need to change out of your highheels." I said, " Why? I always wear These. He said, " You should not walk so much in those Mommy and what if you need to run? " I said, " Will, I can run in highheels you know?" He said, " No, you cant." I said, " Wanna bet? " and he and I had a race down the hallway laughing.

Last night Will was trying to get out of bed and I said, " Where are you going?"
He said, " Mommy, I forgot that I am expecting a package and if it is outside, I do not want it to stay out there." I said, " You are expecting a package at seven-years old? " This morning Will went straight to the door as he woke up. I guess he is expecting a package?

When I dropped Will's lunch off one day he came home upset. I asked what happened and he said, " I am now the strangest kid in my school." I said, " Why? " He said, " Everyone was asking me why my older sister brought me lunch today and when I told them you were my Mom they didn't believe me and said that you were skipping school. He said, " Mommy, I think you really are a teenager. "

I am sorry Will, you are much too smart for your Adolescent Mother.

And, I am sorry that I still don't know exactly how to answer your question about who created the first thing even before God?

You always tell me that something had to create even the first darkness or light.

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