Sunday, April 8, 2018

Keep your tips up

It was fun to have some time on the ski-lift with just Brooke this year. I took a risk telling Brooke how awesome she was doing compared to me with ski-lifts. I didn't want to make her afraid of the lifts by telling her, but I figured she would not take after me! I told Brooke how Grandpa Pack had to physically pull me off the lift as a little kid, because I was scared to get off the lift. Brooke laughed and gave me her own tips as she said, " Mommy, just put your TIPS up in the air and let the lift push you off."
I actually felt better with her reminding when to begin doing that! Ha!

So, Brooke taught me some other ski-school tricks about getting from one lift to the next, to some hills she  liked, and I heard Grandpa Pack in me when I had to tell her to not be scared and make wide turns to slow down, if you want to go slower.

I definitly did not know how grateful I should have been for my Father teaching me, until I saw what it was like to ski with new skiers.

Will skiing!

Getting the chance to take Brooke and Will to some beautiful winter mountains was a blessing this year. We went to Copper Mountain with Kevin's friends again, only this time Will and Brooke had more skiing skills under their belts. Skiing with my children that ski very well ( for being Texans ) , took me down memory lane of skiing with my own parent or Grandpa Pack. I told Brooke and Will about the way Grandpa taught me to ski for the first time, and how the first day I learned, I think the only fun I had, was when Grandpa Pack took a king size Snickers Bar out of his pocket and told me I should eat it! The second day was fun because I could finally ski and was gifted with candy and hot chocolate by Grandpa.

Will had his own ideas on how to make skiing more fun this year. It was quite unusual. I guess when your Mom lets you eat candy bars too much, you have to find your own strange ideas of fun?

I noticed Will was sticking his tounge out each time we skied down the hill, and not just for a moment, but for the whole way down the mountain, and Will doesn't like to go slow so he flew down the mountain with his tounge out like he was a panting dog!?

When I asked Will what he was doing this for? he said, " I think it is fun to freeze my tounge with the cold air and then melt it back in my mouth when I get down the hill."

Haha, looked funny! But more than funny, were the cute little skis, snowbibs and confident turns into between trees by my little prince.