Sunday, April 8, 2018

Keep your tips up

It was fun to have some time on the ski-lift with just Brooke this year. I took a risk telling Brooke how awesome she was doing compared to me with ski-lifts. I didn't want to make her afraid of the lifts by telling her, but I figured she would not take after me! I told Brooke how Grandpa Pack had to physically pull me off the lift as a little kid, because I was scared to get off the lift. Brooke laughed and gave me her own tips as she said, " Mommy, just put your TIPS up in the air and let the lift push you off."
I actually felt better with her reminding when to begin doing that! Ha!

So, Brooke taught me some other ski-school tricks about getting from one lift to the next, to some hills she  liked, and I heard Grandpa Pack in me when I had to tell her to not be scared and make wide turns to slow down, if you want to go slower.

I definitly did not know how grateful I should have been for my Father teaching me, until I saw what it was like to ski with new skiers.

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