Sunday, July 22, 2018

Will's Baptism

 Will had been talking about getting baptized for lots of years. This past weekend the time finally came that he could have his special, long awaited day.

There was a great amount of love and support shown to Will as we shared the date Will would be baptized.

And though Will asked a number of times throughout this year, if I could baptize him, I know that Will felt just as secure with Grandpa Pack as the one to baptize him.

Uncle Allen came all the way from Tennessee to be a part of the special weekend.

And when the Holy Ghost went through so many wonderful Priesthood holder's, it was said that there was a power felt, that truly Will received the Holy Ghost as his constant companion.

I have known for years that Will has a love for the Restored Gospel and he often shares that testimony right in His home as he tells his Dad to read the scriptures and that the prophets are real.

One of the most touching things about the weekend of Will's baptism was when Will affirmed his beliefs through action on the first Sunday as an actual member of the church.

Given the choice to not stay for three hours of church as family was in town, Will when asked said he wanted to go to ALL of church, and later that evening upon being out to drive family to their destinations, Will proclaimed as pulling up to a drive threw, " I don't want to go here on Sunday."

Though he is only eight and there will be so much to learn about love and respect in others choices, I feel proud that Will is determined for himself to follow what he is learning about being a disciple of Christ.

You help me want to be the best Mother that I can be because you have such faith in Jesus Christ. Will, you often tell me that you can't wait to meet Jesus because you want to know who created the very first thing. You ponder the beginings of the Universe and understand principles of the gospel very well. You do not like to go to bed without our moments together, watching a scripture video or reciting a memorized scripture. Will, when you recite Romans 1:16 which states, " For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation; first to the Jew and then the Greek. " I .Know that you are surely not ashamed, and though life does get hard and our faith and devotion is tried, I just know that you will always try to follow your Savior Jesus Christ, and I believe that Heavenly Father knew that you could handle these turbulent times, and that you would be willing to sacrifice your time and talents for the building of His kingdom.


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