Sunday, November 18, 2018

Fall Soccer Season - Will

Will played soccer this fall with the Prosper " Eagles " and though it was the rainiest fall in the history of Prosper, ever and literally; the soccer season was a win! A win for more than the fact that Will made a goal as a finishing and winning point in one of the games, and not because they left the season with a win, which Will loved; but because Will said almost every time it was time to play, that he didn't want to go; SCORE Mommy and Daddy because he went anyways, with the discussion about what it means to support a team and do things that you need to do to grow and help others! Each game Will left knowing that he did something to help his team, because he literally did; Will was a major component of wins as he stole the ball and passed at the right time, like the smart boy that he is should have done.

Good job Will for working hard and helping your team, even when you didn't feel like doing it!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Brooke's a Historian!

Brooke has been enjoying being one of the young ones in the varsity choir at her middle school.

I was a bit surprised when Brooke came home from school and told me that she was going to run for an office in choir; only because that's pretty bold and brave for a first year varsity girl to do among all of the 8th graders as the major majority of her class; but, I was proud of her confidence in herself that she can add value to her school programs.

After showing a sample to her choir of what she could do as the " Choir Historian " ,
( Brooke is a tech wiz, and master video producer) Brooke was voted to win the office of " Historian ".

I quickly learned while attending the first choir concert of the year, that I am the " Choir Historian " too; since you can't take pictures while you are singing in most of the performances!

Brooke is ambitious and hard-working. She is showing that in many areas as she continues to grow taller than me, and becomes an even greater blessing to everyone who knows her.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Halloween Festivities!!! Every year it gets to be very exciting as Halloween nears. Will changes what he wants to dress up as no less than 3 times, and finally he decided on a storm trooper this year ! For the first time in 6 years Brooke was NOT a cat! She and her friends all went as Hogwarts Students.

One rainy night the kids took up pumpkin carving to themselves! I found some half carved pumpkins and was grateful that they at least had their Mom to finish up with them! First time in 36 years that I ever carved a pumpkin! Can you believe it! Looks like my children are more ambitious to learn how to carve a pumpkin on their own than I have been.

I enjoyed the middle school giggles from girls as I trick or Treated with Brooke and her friends.