Sunday, November 4, 2018


Halloween Festivities!!! Every year it gets to be very exciting as Halloween nears. Will changes what he wants to dress up as no less than 3 times, and finally he decided on a storm trooper this year ! For the first time in 6 years Brooke was NOT a cat! She and her friends all went as Hogwarts Students.

One rainy night the kids took up pumpkin carving to themselves! I found some half carved pumpkins and was grateful that they at least had their Mom to finish up with them! First time in 36 years that I ever carved a pumpkin! Can you believe it! Looks like my children are more ambitious to learn how to carve a pumpkin on their own than I have been.

I enjoyed the middle school giggles from girls as I trick or Treated with Brooke and her friends.

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