Sunday, November 11, 2018

Brooke's a Historian!

Brooke has been enjoying being one of the young ones in the varsity choir at her middle school.

I was a bit surprised when Brooke came home from school and told me that she was going to run for an office in choir; only because that's pretty bold and brave for a first year varsity girl to do among all of the 8th graders as the major majority of her class; but, I was proud of her confidence in herself that she can add value to her school programs.

After showing a sample to her choir of what she could do as the " Choir Historian " ,
( Brooke is a tech wiz, and master video producer) Brooke was voted to win the office of " Historian ".

I quickly learned while attending the first choir concert of the year, that I am the " Choir Historian " too; since you can't take pictures while you are singing in most of the performances!

Brooke is ambitious and hard-working. She is showing that in many areas as she continues to grow taller than me, and becomes an even greater blessing to everyone who knows her.

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