Monday, March 25, 2019

Brooke Being Led

 One of the things that Brooke is greatest at is being willing to be instructed.

Brooke, This is a wonderful quality that you have and which you greatly demonstrated while we were on our ski trip this year. You wanted me to lead you and teach you what I know about skiing.

Brooke, When Jesus was on the earth He was looking for those who would follow Him, and were willing to he led. In this way Brooke, as we desire to gain information from others through their knowledge, and gifts that they are willing to share, we are demonstrating the same quality of humility that Our Savior Jesus Christ demonstrates  when He does all the things the Father commands of Him.

You struggled a lot at first while skiing Brooke, but you wanted my help. You trusted in me to do what I told you would help you not feel scared.

You were afraid as you looked down at the mountain.  The hill seemed daunting and d very very steep to you... I taught you to not look down, but look across. I led you across the mountain going back and forth as to conquer slower, taking the hill one lit bit at a time.

I think you will be able to use this tactic through out your whole life Brooke.

When you feel scared, don't look down, but take little defeats one at a time. As you focus on steps which will eventually take you where you want to go, you will suddenly realize it is not as hard as you think.

I know because you are willing to trust in those who have the fruits of the spirit, which witness that they are of Christ ( because a good tree can not produce evil fruit ) , you are going to be a source of strength to those around you, whom will then follow you....and eventually you will look up at the mountain you just defeated with others that followed your example of being willing to be led by the Savior, through scripture study, prayer, personal revelation, and serving others.

I had so much fun talking with you while you enjoyed your hot chocolate on Copper Mountain.
Looking out at the beauty of God's creations with you, in the glistening white snow covered mountains was a memory that I will hold dear of being with you my princess.

Never feel afraid to want to be led and know that when you are following the right people, you will be blessing others.

I love you Brooke my beautiful, kind, and special daughter.

     Mom 💝

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