Sunday, June 23, 2019

Nine Years

You are nine-years old Will!
       A few weeks ago I wanted to do something kind for those in need of love and so I woke up on a Sunday morning and began making paper tissue flowers to take to the sick in a nursing home.
        Will, you didn't know how to make the flowers and you quickly said you wanted to learn and when you found out I was not planning on going that day You said, " No, we need to go today! They need to have this gift today. "
           A few min. Into making more and more flowers with me you said, " Chloe and Apollo need to come to church with us. You told me you were going to go get them so they could come help with flowers and go to church.
            Apollo accepted your invitation ton church and when I began showering and was getting ready for church, you and your little friend continued making flowers .
             Will my heart was so happy as I heard you alone in the room with your friend telling him about Jesus suffering for our sins. You said, " You know every single bad thing we have done And everyone in the whole world has done is what Jesus suffered for, and it hurt him so bad he bled from every pour. " You wanted your friend to respond .You then said, " It hurt Him so bad that He even was bleeding from His hair. "
              I am so proud of your love for Jesus Christ Will. Because of you that day we went straight after church to the nursing home. You talked to the sick and afflicted on your own and told them Jesus loves them without any prompting from me .You showed your friend how to show love and Brooke told me she felt the spirit, so you helped her also.

You are such a gift my prince Will. Happy Ninth Birthday. I know the Lord is pleased with your faith.

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