Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Blessed in his youth

     This summer has been a bit different but we have tried to do a few things for fun and that are new. A few weeks ago we went to downtown Grapevine and you had been so entertained with your cousins in town and not going out anymore, that you Will, were excited to go shopping in the little shops after lunch, around the Main Steer shops.

I was touched with the spirit and gratitude when you did not want to leave the Christian book store, Will. You leaned toward me in a whisper because it seemed reverent in the shop and said, " This is my favorite store here Mom. " You liked all the decorations that said Jesus, and these little charms that said scriptures, but you chose for yourself this little book that you stood in the corner of the store reading for minutes, and then asked, " Mom, Can I get this? "
It is titled " Book of Prayers ". You showed everyone with us excitedly and I felt excited that I was so blessed to have a ten-year old boy for a son that loves all boy games, and doesn't like feminine things, yet proud of his love for God and Jesus, so much so that he showed his treasure find " prayer book"  happily to his sister and Grandparents.

When we got into the car to go home you pulled out your book and started trying to read it again. I had never seen you emotional about your dyslexia Will, as you teared up in eyes looked at me and said, " I can't even read." I said, " Yes, you can! " and I helped you to at which point you truly were reading large scripture language.

The next few nights you took your book of prayers to bed and asked me to read it to you along with our scripture study video. You fell asleep with it inn your hands.

Will, You have love for your Heavenly Father and Jesus and I can tell when you are feeling the spirit because you become gentle and tender like you did a few nights ago when we were watching a video that the prophets put out about what was are doing as a church about Covid-19. After the video you said to me, " Mom, I want to be a prophet someday. Can you ask to be the prophet? " I said, " You can pray that you want to. " Then the next day when we were talking about being in Heaven before we came to earth and you said, " I think in Heaven I asked to be a prophet. " You told me again that you want to be a prophet. I now very curious and proud asked why? You said, " Then I would have Jesus talk to me and I want Him to talk to me. Then He would tell me what could happen. " I said, " And what would you do then? " You said, " I would tell people how to be prepared for what is coming like the at home church we have now because the Prophet knew we wouldn't be able to go to church. "

I am so blessed that you have such a love for Jesus that you want to literally talk to Him Will. I also know and explained to you that you can talk to Jesus now by receiving personal revelation. I explained that you can ask any question in Jesus name, to God and ask that you receive thoughts and scripture messages in your study, and that you will know in your thoughts that was His answer to you, because He is in you and that's why you can hear the answer in your mind.

“At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you."

His Spirit to Be with You


You are a very spiritually blessed young child Will, and I know that Father in Heaven is going to help you receive the chance to hear Him in your thoughts as you grow older and as you continue to love the things that are of Him.

If you ever come to a time in your life that you wonder if you believed, or if you ever need a lift in your faith....here is a message of your own faith....that can strengthen you again, as it strengthens me to want to lead you, and as it blesses me to know I was entrusted with such a strong spirit as yourself.

You are loved by Heavenly Father and Jesus, and me...you are my prince Will.

Love- Mommy

 You and I made this board to hang in your room. You took down a Star Wars picture before I could even have the chance to hang it, above your bed, to remember these scriptures.
 Addelyn has always loved you Will, and you try to play with her for a min. And then she follows you everywhere!
 You always think of Apollo and if you know you will see him soon, you ask us to get him toys and treats the same as yours.
You always hang up pictures of you and me in your room Will, and a few others of family and ask me if you can personally have them.

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