Friday, July 10, 2020

Study to show love

Brooke said to me in the car yesterday, " Mom, You already taught me so much about the gospel that I don't learn anything new at church. " I said, " Brooke, there is always something new to hear from the Lord when we study scripture. We can hear the same message and story over and over again but hear one small part of the message that stands out and that's the Holy Spirit telling you exactly what the Lord wants you to know. We also go to church or take time reading as an action that shows God that we are interested in Him, interested in what He does and did, and the action of sacrificing time helps us love Him more. " Brooke said, " I do try to find the small things we can learn. "
I am excited Brooke will learn everyday this year in an early morning church class, and have to chance to show her interest in God daily to show Him love.

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