Sunday, September 6, 2020

4th Grade Will and more masks


      Will goes to 4th Grade!!! 

Will has always been a mask collector, and I have had to say I won't buy him anymore masks after having Iron Man, Spiderman, Darth Vader, Kilo Ren, Hulk, Power Rangers, Storm Troopers, more Spiderman and more Iron Man masks than one could possibly need...but now Will is asking for more of the new kind of masks, and very picky about them, even as he had to wear it at school all day this year. 

Regardless of the mask wearing....

Will is so happy to be back at school and he was very blessed to receive an answer to his prayers as requested by him a few weeks before school started. 

I still have an individual scripture message with Will each night as I put him to bed, and though I feel ready to be asleep while he kicks around in his bed and waits for his cat " Hulky" to come to our nightly tradition of scripture and prayer just Mom and Will, in his bunk bed, it is a cherished moment each night for me, though my eyes are heavy, my heart is mostly warmed. 

A few weeks before school started this year Will was very nervous. With the fear of the virus that had been instilled into Will, and the unknown of wearing a mask and sitting apart from the other children, Will just didn't feel as excited as normal. I didn't even suggest it, but one night after scripture with Will and upon me reminding him to pray ( He likes me to stay with him until he falls asleep, so I hear his personal prayers each night ) Will asked, " Heavenly Father, Please just help me to get into a good class with a nice teacher....etc " 

When it was time to meet the teacher on video call this year, She asked Will what his least favorite subject is? 

I was surprised and his teacher Mrs.Putman was shocked when Will said his least favorite subject is choir. 

Mrs.Putman said, " How could that be with your Mom's singing? " 

I didn't know how she knew I sang and so I said, " How do you know I sing? " 

Mrs.Putman said, " Well, I am in your ward! " 

Will and I were both happy but also embarrassed that we didn't know her and she knew us as members of her ward!

I apologized and she said not to worry because she had been in nursery the past year and a half she has been in our ward and 6 months of that was Covid time , not going to church. 

Will's prayer was answered! 

Will is happier everyday with a teacher from our church than I have ever seen him at school. 

This week I received this letter about Will from her. I agree that Will is determined and wants to set a good example. I am also so proud of you Will!!!! 

Hey there! This is Mrs. Putman, Will's ELAR teacher. I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying Will in my class.  He is really trying to work hard and do his best: which is awesome!  I love watching his confidence, determination, and friendships grow. He is such a sweet young man that is working hard to be a good example to others. I am just super proud of him, and I cannot wait to watch him surpass expectations this year!

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Putman

                Will and his cousin Addelyn 

Addelyn has always taken a special liking to Will and Will prays for Addelyn sometimes and I didn't even remind him! 

Grandpa and Will at the icecream shop. 

      Will is always anxious to see family whenever he gets the chance! 

Wynne ( Wills cousin, Amy's son ) and Will had tons of fun looking at dinosaur footprints in the water at Fossil Rim.

Will and his cousin Lehi ( Audrey's son ) 
Will and Fawn ( Audrey's daughter ) 
Will loves makes scripture pics with playdough and his Title of Liberty pic was made with gold playdough that he selected just for this scripture picture

Will and Waffles on the first day of 4th Grade 

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