Sunday, September 27, 2020

Good Will and His good will


You have given so many witnesses of your love for Jesus lately and you have even been a good example for all around you!

Well, you really like Five and Below Will. It's one of your favorite places to go and just get an inexpensive toy and bag of pocky sticks you like.

One day a few weeks ago as walking towards Five and Below for your toy before meeting Grandma and Grandpa for dinner, we were approached by a sales person that asked if we wanted to donate an animal to children in need. You know you and Brooke perked up because you like pets and they mentioned giving an animal. I quickly realized this was a monthly donation and thought I give in tithing, but you started asking all about the animals the kids would get. You remembered when Aunt Audrey had chickens that laid eggs and you went and collected them and ate them. You asked if we could donate before I could even say I wanted to know more about the company Will. 

Everyone standing around us was shocked because you said, " I don't need to go to Five and Below, I can give them my money for a toy, for the animal for the kids instead. " You did just that, and allowed them to get money from my bank account each month because of your kindness too Will. 

Will, you also offered to let us find a different home for your ferret so that Brooke could have a kitten from the liter she raised. With tears in your eyes you said to Brooke when she asked if you would do that as your Dad said, so she could have the kitten, " Okay, but only because you guys ask me everyday to get Sparky a new home." That was such a sacrifice for you Will, because even though you loved your ferret you knew we were having problems with Brooke wanting animals so much she'd cry all the time. 

When I was feeling sick after a workout yesterday you asked right away if we could say a prayer that I would feel better and then you said the prayer Will. 

There are so many scenarios like this when you have been an example that I can't even write them all, but a very inspiring one was when about a month ago we were in Arizona and Aunt Audrey took me to the store to see tortoises because when I was a kid I liked turtles and you love turtles so much that you chose a sea turtle backpack this year for school. 

Well, we came back from the store with tortoises that live outside and you were very upset that they were not water turtles. You even cried. I thought you would be so happy but you were upset because you like sea turtles, not land tortoises. After awhile of crying you came to me and said, " Mom, I think satan is just tempting me to be upset, because I don't know why I am so upset that it's not a water turtle. I am sorry. " 

I could hardly believe my ears and knew the Lord was letting wisdom be taught through the mouth of my babe as I know some times I get tempted to be upset for a reason I should not, and especially since like I was trying to give you a gift, Heavenly Father gives me lots of gifts. 

I was so proud of your testimony and ability to stand back for a moment and realize you could be happy and know that you will still get a water turtle if you want some time. 

When we had to get on the airplane with baby tortoises Aunt Audrey said, " Let's say a prayer they let you in with them. " You said right away, " I already did and that we won't get in trouble for trying to bring a turtle on the plane. " 

You carried the little pets in a Tupperware and security loved them. They started passing the tub around for fun to other workers to admire and then they asked you to walk through security with one turtle in each hand. 

I never thought I'd see that happen at an airport? 

You have a strong will to do good will towards men Will! 

You have such faith in prayer and you are a blessing of example to those around you. 

Grandma told you at church today that the girls are going to love you because you are so handsome and sweet. 

She is right and I asked you to take a picture with her. 


Mommy 💝

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