Friday, January 1, 2021

Will's letter to Jesus


Will has always had a fascination with the monetary value system. When Will was two- years old he carried gold coins with him at all times. He knew right away these coins fake, or real, meant some sort of trade could be made. Will was so fascinated with the use of money that after he grew out of the gold coin years and saw the dollars his sister had received from the tooth fairy; he started carrying his  own wallet at age four with his own dollars in it. Will came up with the idea as a Kindergarten student, that he could pay the kids in his class to do things for him, and he told me after school, that he needed to make more money because he paid a classmate to be quiet when the teacher was telling them to stop talking? He really dislikes teachers getting upset at the class..

Will's appreciation for the idea of purchasing for wants and needs still shows today, and five years later, since Kindergarten, his appreciation for money shined recently as Grandma Pack asked each of our family members to write a letter to Jesus about a gift we would give Him this upcoming year of 2021. 

Will wrote in his letter to Jesus that he was going to try to make money this year, to pay tithing.

I assumed that Will meant in this letter that he wanted to help the poor and needy because I have been taking Brooke and Will to the Homeless Shelter a couple times in the last month and he felt very sad for one homeless man we saw a couple weeks ago. 

Well, Will was paying attention in our tithing settlement with the bishop this year, and I know that because I wrote for him at the end of His letter to Jesus, that his reason for wanting to pay tithing was...." to help the poor people " . After Will read the addition of what I wrote after his " I want to work to pay tithing as a gift to you Jesus..."

Will was almost offended that I added that.

Will said to me, " Mom, I didn't say that part about helping the poor people. Didn't you listen to the bishop? That's not what tithing we pay does. Paying tithing helps build our church buildings and temples. " 

I should not have been surprised about how much attention Will gave in tithing settlement because it was about money, and I just assumed he wanted to pay tithing to help poor people and that he didn't listen to the Bishop when he explained to Brooke, Will, and myself what each part of the tithing slip is for and where each category goes towards. 

Will has always liked going to church, so I guess he truly wants to help pay for buildings and he asks at least every couple months when he can go inside the temple? 


Your gift to Jesus that you want to work to pay tithing shows me that even though you have a fascination with money, you right away want to use it for good things; and the fact that you feel you can do something rather than not even trying, shows me how strong your faith is that every effort matters to Father in Heaven. 

You have been the greatest disciple of Christ Will, as everyday you are quick to pray in need and when you get frustrated you come up to me randomly and say that you are sorry you got mad at me. You give me a hug and say, " I love you Mom. " 

I know Heavenly Father is going to use your natural interests for His work and it says that Heavenly Father will give us all things needed to do good, so I am sure if you run into money in your life, you will use it for His Kingdom in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

You are my prince and I am blessed to be your Mother Will. 

Love, Mommy 💝

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