Monday, January 25, 2021

Pack Christmas Grandpa and Grandma

 Will and Brooke, 

Your Grandma and Grandpa Pack made your Christmas sure to be sweet and surprising this year. It is the middle of January, but you have to remember a couple gifts you received from Grandma and Grandpa, that money can't buy. 

Will, You told us you have known for years that Santa isn't real and that's not a surprise because years ago when sitting on his lap, you interrogated Santa and then last year you promised me you wouldn't spill the beans to your classmates after you told me, " Mom! The kids in my class still believe in Santa and they think this elf moves in their house all night! "

But, even though you are too quick to be tricked Will, you still have the spirit of all holidays and anything about gifting and being surprised, so you told me that Waffles our dog needed to see Santa this year. You heard me mention there were places a person could take the dog and you suddenly wanted all in on Santa's sleigh photo op she chance to tell your extra present list to Santa and me out in public. We missed the last chance to take your dog to the mall to see Santa and you said under your breath, " Ugh, but I needed to see him." I said, " See who Will? " But when you noticed I was smiling you felt embarrassed and said, " No one, never mind. "

Well, I told Grandma Pack this story and since she loves Waffles and since she loves you, Grandpa Pack became Waffles and Will's own personal Santa. 

You were excited to see what Waffles would do when his favorite person was dressed like Santa and I was excited to get you and Brooke to match your clothes, because I think that's cute and wanted to see you both laugh at Waffles as a Christmas dog and Grandpa as your personal Santa. 

Grandma Pack always knows how to come through with some thing for the kids at Christmas, whether it be the toy she knew they'd love, or in this case for Brooke the ear pods Brooke had been asking me for and some certain brand of eyeshadow that was sold out in all stores. 

Brooke, You told Grandma that you liked this brand of make up but it was out everywhere and Grandma knows a lot of people, because she went out of her way for you to find a lady that she knew, that works for ULTA that was able to save one for Grandma to purchase for you right as the shipment came in, and it never went on the shelf. 

In all the things Grandma and Grandpa always give you, I know that one of the best things are the rides Grandpa gives you to school sometimes Brooke. 

Will, I know that Grandma going out of her way to make a special pizza for you at her house every Sunday, just to be nice to you, in case you don't want to eat what everyone is eating ( as your allergies created that option) ; you have to remember how blessed you are to have the Grandparents that you do. 

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