Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Brooke Babe


You are exceptional at so many things and beautiful, and interesting! When you read my notes to you as you grow up I know then you will see how amazing you are to me; and I want you to know that I have always thought that about you. From the moment you came home from the hospital and I had no idea it would be so hard to have a new born ( painful physically ) I thought, " I would do anything for this baby girl. " I had some people tell me it's no big deal if I didn't nurse you and gave you a bottle, but I thought that there is no way that a child of mine will not get the very best of everything that I can give, and so I lived through the pain til it didn't feel painful, and then when people told me that I needed to just let you be hungry all night if you didn't eat, I thought there is no way my child will feel hungry, scared, or not have all the best. So, it motivated me to give you the best things in prayer, and I was determined you would know every single letter and scripture by the time you were 4, and you did, but it wasn't because of me; you were just really smart, and you were just worth the efforts I made to give you what I thought was best. I know that I can't always make it so you aren't scared, or sad, or feeling like you aren't getting the best, but that's why we are here on earth; to know the difference, so we can have our own choice of what we want, and come to know for ourselves what kind of an incredible Father we have in Heaven, and Jesus Christ our Savior. We never would have been able to see how much they love us, if we didn't know what it was like without Them, and to feel Their love from a place in Heaven allows us to feel the power that They want to give us; since we can feel that power in spirit even when They aren't beside us physically. 

I have seen you come to know you have Their help in moments you open up; like last week when I was so excited to deliver couches to people with no furniture, after I shared the Lord told me that furniture was for Them and go take it as it is free; you told me you had been helped on a test after you had prayed for help on it in your mind. You told me you saw an answer and it jumped out to you, even though you didn't know if it was the answer. You said you chose that answer on the test and it was right and you got a 100%. You told me you knew that the spirit told you, because you prayed. 

You have a lot of wild ideas about delivering postal boxes by the hundreds to your cousins, and teaching your brother to make prank calls, but it all comes with your creativity and brilliant mind, that I am so grateful to be a part of your development into the chosen daughter of God you are. 

I love you, 

Mommy 💝

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