Saturday, August 14, 2021

5th Grade and Will


Will! It is your last year of elementary school and I can hardly believe that this summer you will be joining the Young Mens Program at church and receiving the Priesthood. 

You have joined Brooke in her quest to establish her own fashion, but you have pretty good taste in clothing except it's less mature than I would choose for you. That's okay, every single day you wear a bracelet that I bought you at the mall one day. It has the scripture on it, " Be still and know that I am God." You chose it yourself remembering that I used to make and engrave my own jewelry years ago. We talked about me not having made you one, since then you wouldn't have worn it. I didn't expect you to wear this everyday but I am so glad that you do because that means it is special to you. 

At first I was not too happy that the only school clothes you wanted were shirts of Anime TV shows characters this year, but after I watched the first episode of the show you love, " Demon Slayer ", I loved the entire storyline is about a brother and a sister that have so much of a love for each other, that they both would sacrifice. I didn't like the scary demons in the show, but the brother went out to the town and when he came back, his entire family had been killed except his little sister whom the demon had bitten but to turn her into a demon with them. Even though she was looking and feeling like a demon, this older brother had so much belief in his sister that he would not kill her, even though she looked dangerous, he kept telling his thoughts and saying to her that he knew she was still in there...eventually the most powerful demon was coming to get the new demon and he was in shock because suddenly a demon was not on his side. The demons would keep trying to kill her brother, but one of their supposed own would fight them to their giving up. Because their entire family was killed the brother and sister became " Demon Slayers " and were able to defeat each demon because the demons were now being fought by equal powers of a demon who only protects her brother while he spends his time killing that which killed their family. 

I decided that maybe you could see Jesus Christ in that and the bond that a brother and sister can have, when you watch this popular fad of anime shows. 

Will, Brooke is a little bit occupied by teenager things right now, but I know that she is going to always be there for you the way that that sister in your show is for her brother. Always remind your sister how much you have learned from her, and she can always remind you about the true experience of care that she has had because of you being born. I haven't seen Brooke get too worried about much, as she was so worried about you falling when you were learning to walk, and when Brooke goes out and buys things she remembers you and brings you home something. I know that Heavenly Father gave us the chance to have siblings so we can help each other and know what it is to be like Jesus. 

Will, I don't mind anything you choose about your fashion because the most important is what is lasting forever which is the purpose of life to choose to receive more spiritually by loving, learning, and worshipping God. 

I love you Will my prince - Mommy💝

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