Tuesday, January 25, 2022



According to the CDC 
in the United States,
 someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds. Every 39 seconds someone dies from heart attack or stroke. 

There is no worse feeling than feeling like you don't know what to do in an emergency situation, and that is one reason why I feel it a privilege to be able to share knowledge and provide individuals with certifications through American Heart Association, and other sources of certification, which each bring 
understanding, confidence, and preparedness for both cardiac, AED, and first aid emergencies. 

I am flexible to fit your needs, provide all materials, will come to you and your staff, as we I am willing to price match! 

Call or text me the time and day your staff or you are looking to become certified, and I will respond just as quickly as I see your message! 

Emily Turano 

( 469-563-9750 ) 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Brooke Christmas 2021



This year at Christmas your friends were so lucky and blessed to have you as their friend! You spoiled your friends with gifts in which you put thought into what each of them would like. 

You chose out books that you thought each of your friends would enjoy to give them to read, because you are still a book worm! Which is funny because you actually decorated your room with colorful worms hanging from the ceiling. Brooke, the book worm brainer. 

You are teaching yourself to embroider and embroidered a little heart on the sleeve of a long sleeve comfy t-shirt, for your boyfriend in which only he would notice the heart on the inside near his wrist.  You wanted to get your boyfriend a book for Christmas along with this gift, but when he told you his favorite book is Harry Potter, you decided to try and forget that's what he said, since you loved Harry Potter at age 7 or 8 and find it hard to imagine not having read more books for fun. 

You also have embroidered other shirts for your friends with their favorite sayings, and I find some of myself in you since I like to write things around to see, except it's scripture or positive loving sayings. 

Brooke, a few weeks before Christmas you were asked to give your church class lesson. It amazes me that you come up with these wonderful lessons in talks with scriptures and have no stress about doing this and are a natural born learner and do not fear speaking out when giving a lesson. 

I am grateful that you had a Christmas with all of the gifts you chose and wanted because you do deserve a lot Brooke, because you are a good young woman whom was happy to recently go to the temple and openly shared with your brother that you think the temple is the best and showed example by going. 

I love you my Princess Brooke! You are ever more bold in being yourself whom is beautiful and has intelligence beyond her years. 


Christmas 2021 - Will


This past Christmas Season which brought us into the year of 2022, was probably the last Christmas that you will have gotten into the festivities such as your advent calendar that you almost ate all at once but decided to keep on with only one chocolate each day. I have a feeling it will come soon that you will know every gift you will get like Brooke, and that you might not want your own Christmas tree in your room? Maybe not? You are eleven-years old so I know the years are numbered. I decided to savor your Christmas spirit by waiting for you to put of the Christmas decor with me, and watching you perfectly place each ornament on your tree. 

You and Brooke love hot chocolate all year-round and even in the extreme summer heat we sometimes have in Texas. During winter it becomes some thing you two don't have to plan alone to drink, and I pull out the hot chocolate machine to make Christmas hot coco different and better for you guys than 711 hot chocolate that you both literally ask to buy in August when we go to the gas station. 

We had some hot chocolate at an event at Fair Park this year; the lights were so pretty and you and Apollo participated in a maze full of lights where you were to find each of Santa's lost reindeer in order to get out of the maze. It was pretty hard to keep track of you and Apollo you guys were running fast through crowds through the maze.

Grandma and Grandpa Pack went with your Dad, Brooke, Apollo, you and myself to this event, and every one of us enjoyed seeing the excitement of children at Christmas that you and Apollo had, playing and laughing in the cold, among thousands of lights and Christmas carols playing in the park. 
Sipping on your hot chocolate was not enough to keep us warm, so after running through the maze we went indoor to the holiday booths set up from lots of vendors. 

This year we saw Grandma and Grandpa Pack choose to decorate their Christmas tree with ornaments of Jesus and that made me excited, because as you know Will, I have had a Jesus Christmas tree since you were one-year old and I had the idea to make small frames around many wallet size photos of Jesus; a shrine that shines about the real reason for Christmas. 
We made a small tree of these ornaments I make and gave it to Grandma a few weeks before Christmas. 

On Christmas Day you were sweet in two ways Will. First, the only thing I asked for Christmas was a letter from each of you and Christmas morning came and none of you had written one or substituted it with anything for me. I told you guys I was sad and on your own, even though it's hard for you to spell because you can't sound words out with Dyslexia; no one could find you, only to find you tucked away in a bathroom in the corner, writing me a letter that said, " Mom, You do everything for me, and I thank you for all that you do. I love you. - Will " 
I shed a tear of love for your immediately trying to help me. 
The other thing you did on Christmas Will, was share your toy with everyone. The " Occulus 2 " which is a reality video game that straps onto the head and puts you into a new reality. You wanted everyone to try it and enjoyed everyone being happy. 

You should know and I did tell you so that you don't have a incorrect memory about how everyone else also, well your Dad, did write me a Christmas letter, a couple days later and it was very nice. Since I love people the most more than things, it is the best gift for me to hear if I made you happier or helped in anyway in the lives of people I love. 

Here are a couple lines from the letter from your Dad:  

I do hope Will the same as your Dad, that you get my work ethic, but more than anything, I hope you inherit my desire to keep a strong testimony and faith in Jesus Christ, and I hope this because the desire enough to ask and study to receive, pray, and try the experiment of faith, is all that you need, in order to receive. 

I pray that is what you will inherit from me, and I am grateful for the other things mentioned which are appreciated or could be of help to you as my child. 

I am crossing my fingers I get more years of the light and excitement you bring to us at Christmas and very often other times as well Will. 

I love you my Prince Will, and I call you prince because you are the son of a King indeed, which does make you a royal and chosen through the Holy Priesthood that you will receive next week!!! 

Love- Mommy💝