Sunday, January 9, 2022

Brooke Christmas 2021



This year at Christmas your friends were so lucky and blessed to have you as their friend! You spoiled your friends with gifts in which you put thought into what each of them would like. 

You chose out books that you thought each of your friends would enjoy to give them to read, because you are still a book worm! Which is funny because you actually decorated your room with colorful worms hanging from the ceiling. Brooke, the book worm brainer. 

You are teaching yourself to embroider and embroidered a little heart on the sleeve of a long sleeve comfy t-shirt, for your boyfriend in which only he would notice the heart on the inside near his wrist.  You wanted to get your boyfriend a book for Christmas along with this gift, but when he told you his favorite book is Harry Potter, you decided to try and forget that's what he said, since you loved Harry Potter at age 7 or 8 and find it hard to imagine not having read more books for fun. 

You also have embroidered other shirts for your friends with their favorite sayings, and I find some of myself in you since I like to write things around to see, except it's scripture or positive loving sayings. 

Brooke, a few weeks before Christmas you were asked to give your church class lesson. It amazes me that you come up with these wonderful lessons in talks with scriptures and have no stress about doing this and are a natural born learner and do not fear speaking out when giving a lesson. 

I am grateful that you had a Christmas with all of the gifts you chose and wanted because you do deserve a lot Brooke, because you are a good young woman whom was happy to recently go to the temple and openly shared with your brother that you think the temple is the best and showed example by going. 

I love you my Princess Brooke! You are ever more bold in being yourself whom is beautiful and has intelligence beyond her years. 


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