Saturday, June 25, 2022

Will 12th bday wonder


Will! You are 12 years old! In all the 12 years I have been your Mother Will, I can honestly say that you are one of - Brooke is the other - the best creations I have ever made! 

The gift to be here on this earth and create is a miracle. Our Heavenly Father and Jesus have given us a small glimpse of Their power in giving us the chance to live in realms of our own creation, and I know that They were just thrilled to see what you - Will would create of your own life when you had your chance on this earth. 

I can imagine you were excited to create in your own life Will, because you love to create your own drawings, or art, and videos with amazing editing that I do not know how to do, but I watched you figure it out on your own how to record your virtual experience and let the world see in a video that you post. 

You have created good friendships Will and you are so thoughtful that one of the birthday gifts you asked me for this year, was a gift to give your friends - at your party you opened a gift and started letting your friends choose which character they wanted stickers and bracelets of, that you all like. ( Anime ) 

You created a fun birthday party for your friends as you decided to take your friends to a video game museum where they all had a great time looking at and playing on video game consoles from the first type of gaming system, and all the way to now - the virtual reality games you love. 

I know you will remember my favorite parable of the talents Will, because you often think about what you can do to create more with what you have. 

I know the adversary of our souls can't create his own life with having children, or a job, or creating through becoming himself in spiritual or mental education, and so he wants us to minimize the fact that we have a miracle of life where we each create our own little worlds. 

If we remember we can create characteristics through spiritual knowledge - like charity, patience, kindness, humility etc. and we can create the ability to help others through our mental learning in jobs, making solutions or ways to help others, and then we can live each day to our fullest. 

I am very blessed that I could create you Will, because I know the life you can create for yourself will be full of precision in detail, ( you take notice to even the placement of something on a computer screen, or on your dresser ) and full of love because of your spiritual characteristics that tend to your friendships. I know your only 12 years old, but as your Mother, I know you best, and your own family will be so blessed by you Will! 

I thank our Father in Heaven to be your Mother and happy 12th birthday Will ! 

Love , 

Mommy 💝

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Pink Brookeee


Tonight at Grandma and Grandpa Pack's house we were talking about when you were a baby, probably about 1 years old or close to 1 year everyone, everywhere that we went wanted to hold you. Probably because you had these huge blue eyes, and the bow that I put in your hair every single day, and a smile on your face and you were not shy. Once on an airplane someone asked to hold you and by the time I had finished making your bottle or doing something that I was able to look up, you were rows and rows away from me, in some ladies arms! Your Dad had let someone hold you, and you were literally being passed around the plane! I was worried and your Dad said, " Well, she isn't going anywhere since there is no way out of the plane until we land! " 

Brooke, I you are going into your Junior year of highschool and people are still asking for you! 

You are starting to get letters from colleges and the National Honor Student Society and I am so proud of you, just like I was when you were that little baby blue eyes. 

It was easy for you to get a job when you know all you had to do is show them your GPA is a 4.2 

You are enjoying your first job at Sonic. They are lucky to have you! 

Even though you don't collect stuffed unicorns anymore Brooke, you did tell me you like your hair to be like a colorful unicorn this past week. I remembered you collecting all the unicorns you could get as a toddler and up to age 12 as you told me this. 

You and I had fun coloring the rest of your hair pink this week! 

Love-Mommy 💝

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Short Sleeves



We went to the JFK Museum with Aunt Amy, and your favorite cousin Wynn who was visiting last weekend. Although to onlookers it might appear that you were contemplating the terrible event you just walked through a museum about; (the museum even has a slow motion simulator of what it was like when JFK was killed and photos of his life) Some could have thought you were sensitive, which you are kind and sensitive, but the tears you were crying this day, were not from the memorial you are sitting on in this picture. Will, you literally were in tears because you were so hot in Texas summer heat because you refuse to wear anything but LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS and LONG JEAN PANTS! Well, you had been doing that for the first few weeks of summer anyways and up until this event....You and I got into the car after this outing with extended family, and you had pretty much held it together in public besides looking sick and sad, but when it was just you and me, you explained you were not crying about the memorial! You were crying because you couldn't breath because it was so hot to you. I had to tell you I was not driving home until you started removing your socks, shoes, and told you either you can, or they will at the hospital because that's the first thing you do when someone has heat stroke, ( take excess clothes off ) and this is funny now Will, but you refused and I was very worried about you. You felt sick, couldn't breath and you still wanted to wear pants and long sleeves in the summer. Finally you removed your shoes, and rolled up your sleeves and then I said let's go buy you shorts since you would never let me buy you shorts all year thus far, and  you said wouldn't wear them if I did. You said not now about buying the shorts but when we stopped at the store, the first thing you did was go choose shorts and I am happy to see you wearing shorts every day since this event for the first time since last summer. 

Being determined can be good Will and your determination to be thoughtful of your friends, and considerate to me in making purchases for you is a wonderful part of you. I am so glad you decided you can wear shorts and short sleeves in the summer in Texas. 

You had so much fun with your cousins and this summer you have also surpassed me in shoe size ( you and I had the same size of foot for about a year! ) and you wear a size 7! You love to find specific shoes that can only be bought online and suddenly they don't fit you. All those Air Jordans. So hard to find your size!

You were pretty excited to go to Young Mens Camp this year for the first time and Brooke was there with you because it was a joint Young Men , Young Women Camp this year! ( different cabins away from each other but joint meals )

It was really sweet to hear you be excited for your big sister to be at camp with you Will. The might before you'd go, you were double checking that you had everything and almost too excited to sleep, so it was just you and I looking through your stuff and you said, " Mom, What if I go sneak over to Brooke's cabin at night and scare her? " I said, " You want to go into a cabin of girls to find your sister? " You hadn't thought about scaring all the girls or what a cabin full of girls screaming might be like?

When you and Brooke came home, Brooke told me you shared your testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that you know it's the truth. I was really happy to hear you were one of the youth with strong enough faith to stand in front of your peers from school, and help strengthen their faith through yours. I think you will do this all your life Will. You never hesitate to pray in front of your friends, and you are always the first to remind us to pray when in need. I know Heavenly Father and Jesus will bless you for this faith that you have. 

Love- Mommy 💝