Sunday, June 19, 2022

Pink Brookeee


Tonight at Grandma and Grandpa Pack's house we were talking about when you were a baby, probably about 1 years old or close to 1 year everyone, everywhere that we went wanted to hold you. Probably because you had these huge blue eyes, and the bow that I put in your hair every single day, and a smile on your face and you were not shy. Once on an airplane someone asked to hold you and by the time I had finished making your bottle or doing something that I was able to look up, you were rows and rows away from me, in some ladies arms! Your Dad had let someone hold you, and you were literally being passed around the plane! I was worried and your Dad said, " Well, she isn't going anywhere since there is no way out of the plane until we land! " 

Brooke, I you are going into your Junior year of highschool and people are still asking for you! 

You are starting to get letters from colleges and the National Honor Student Society and I am so proud of you, just like I was when you were that little baby blue eyes. 

It was easy for you to get a job when you know all you had to do is show them your GPA is a 4.2 

You are enjoying your first job at Sonic. They are lucky to have you! 

Even though you don't collect stuffed unicorns anymore Brooke, you did tell me you like your hair to be like a colorful unicorn this past week. I remembered you collecting all the unicorns you could get as a toddler and up to age 12 as you told me this. 

You and I had fun coloring the rest of your hair pink this week! 

Love-Mommy 💝

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