Saturday, June 25, 2022

Will 12th bday wonder


Will! You are 12 years old! In all the 12 years I have been your Mother Will, I can honestly say that you are one of - Brooke is the other - the best creations I have ever made! 

The gift to be here on this earth and create is a miracle. Our Heavenly Father and Jesus have given us a small glimpse of Their power in giving us the chance to live in realms of our own creation, and I know that They were just thrilled to see what you - Will would create of your own life when you had your chance on this earth. 

I can imagine you were excited to create in your own life Will, because you love to create your own drawings, or art, and videos with amazing editing that I do not know how to do, but I watched you figure it out on your own how to record your virtual experience and let the world see in a video that you post. 

You have created good friendships Will and you are so thoughtful that one of the birthday gifts you asked me for this year, was a gift to give your friends - at your party you opened a gift and started letting your friends choose which character they wanted stickers and bracelets of, that you all like. ( Anime ) 

You created a fun birthday party for your friends as you decided to take your friends to a video game museum where they all had a great time looking at and playing on video game consoles from the first type of gaming system, and all the way to now - the virtual reality games you love. 

I know you will remember my favorite parable of the talents Will, because you often think about what you can do to create more with what you have. 

I know the adversary of our souls can't create his own life with having children, or a job, or creating through becoming himself in spiritual or mental education, and so he wants us to minimize the fact that we have a miracle of life where we each create our own little worlds. 

If we remember we can create characteristics through spiritual knowledge - like charity, patience, kindness, humility etc. and we can create the ability to help others through our mental learning in jobs, making solutions or ways to help others, and then we can live each day to our fullest. 

I am very blessed that I could create you Will, because I know the life you can create for yourself will be full of precision in detail, ( you take notice to even the placement of something on a computer screen, or on your dresser ) and full of love because of your spiritual characteristics that tend to your friendships. I know your only 12 years old, but as your Mother, I know you best, and your own family will be so blessed by you Will! 

I thank our Father in Heaven to be your Mother and happy 12th birthday Will ! 

Love , 

Mommy 💝

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