Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Will's Hard Work!



You have been working so hard in your school work and it is showing! You are doing so well in Middle School and I know not because you will tell me too much about it, but because as a Mom that needs to know I am doing all I can to help you in your happiness, I called your school counselor to ask what kinds of clubs that you might not have heard of that you can join. There is a lot to take in when you are getting used to new schedules and class periods and a bigger school, so I thought the last thing you needed to worry about is if you got all the info about all the available clubs to join. Your counselor told me she would find out about clubs. She didn't know them all either; and when she called me back a week or so later, she told me that you are doing so great Will. She said you seem to have lots of classmates that talk to you and that you have found a good group of boys as your friends. 

I have never heard you want to go tutoring before, but this year Will, you have taken the imitative to find out when you can stay and get help with classes if you need it. 

You asked me to check on when one teacher could tutor you and as I emailed the teacher youth love his class and thank you for helping you, he responded with a complimentary letter about you! I am so proud of you Will. 

You are Tanjiro in this photo as you went to your Halloween Dance at school this past Friday. You said more people were dressed as Anime characters than super heros, but no one had your costume. Love - Mommy 💝

Mrs. Turano,

Yes, I have tutorials after school today. Will is a great kid. He has done an outstanding job in class this year. You are correct he is an amazingly hardworker and makes our class better because of it. I really appreciate him. I am glad that he is enjoying the class and talking to you about it at home.

I hope you have a great rest of your day and thank you for the kind words!


Richard Branch


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