Friday, January 27, 2023

Student of the Quarter

 Will's determination and hard work have helped him to consistently excel academically, but it is not just that for Will - he is always willing to lend a helping hand to his classmates, and has shown a commitment to personal growth and improvement. He is an important member of our class and that is why he is my student of the quarter. - Mr.Branch

Will, You and I have come to like a TV show where the man and woman are put together put in a wilderness, naked and afraid. They have only their knowledge, skills, determination and each other, in order to survive.

 At the end of the show they give each man and woman a rating on how much they succeeded which will make people want to learn from them and invite them to be their guide for dangerous trips. This rating they give at the end of their trip is based on a lot of things, not just if they made it the 21 days, but how much they helped each other, how they responded to dangers and set backs, plus how they grew their ability. 

 So, we watch the show, and I love it when you ask me to watch a show with you while I work out. You even ask me and try to convince me that I need a workout sometimes, because you want to stay up later and watch a show. You know how to convince me by saying, " Don't you need to do your stairmaster Mom? " You know my favorite is to do my stairmaster with you guys watching a movie with me while I go. 

This show we like reminds me of what your teacher said about you Will! Your teacher whom out of your mouth, you said, " Mr.Branch is one of the smartest people and best teachers I have had ." gave you an award a few days ago at school. Mr.Branch recognizes it's beyond being smart that matters. As Mr.Branch awarded you this past week he said, it's not just that you are doing well academically, but that you help others in class and dedicate yourself to learning more or growth and that makes you be the one he chose out of the entire grade to award. 

We talked about after watching an episode one day, or rather, I talked about it to you guys - That in this show we can see the big difference that some people make vs. Others. Some people get a high score in the end as they work well on a team effort, or how they used their knowledge and skill to help others, and some people on the show that seem like they know the very most in knowledge, but they do horrible because they don't help or contribute. 

I shared that this is what we are also supposed to do here on earth.

 We are being given the opportunity on earth to use all we have in order to produce more or do more to help Our Father in Heaven and Jesus in Their work and all for the reason that They can give us more opportunity in our next life - to be part of Their work and glory - to bring to pass immortality and eternal life of man.. 

I am not sure if you realize how great of an award you received was Will, but we were very proud of you. 

I now agree with you that your teacher is smart, because he saw the most important things a person can have, in you! 

I hope that we can remember that show and how thirsty everyone is and how much they struggle trying to work to find water, and keep each other going and alive and that as we remember their need for water, we know that we can't live without The living water that Jesus gives and that He is our source that we need to help everyone find. That is why Jesus compared Himself to the water and remember if you learn anything from the show (because we learn a lot) , learn that the way they seek for water is how we need to seek for Jesus in our task of keeping each other alive. 

I think you are going to do amazing at that Will, because you were recently called to be the Deacon Quorum Secretary and I heard you accepting your call from the Bishopric and you were very solemn, attentive, said yes, as you were asked and as you accepted the work you can do in your Quorum. 


Mommy 💝

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