Sunday, November 12, 2023

Brooke Theater

Princess Brooke, 
This past weekend your first theater show of the year took place and you again showcased your talent for sewing and having completely made costumes for the cast from start to finish is very impressive to us that don't have the ability to work sewing machines as well. After congratulating you and a few others after the show this weekend, as I complimented their costumes the girls said, " Well, she sewed the entire thing! " pointing at you. I don't think she knew you were my daughter or how I had already told you how much you do for those shows that I am proud of. 

Having your friends left to college already you have been missing them this year Brooke, but I was really proud of that when you are sad, I tell you, " Just finish the rest of your school homeschooling. " You know what you commited to in theater productions and though you aren't enjoying it as much with your friends gone and you not being friends with a girl who was your friend in theater ladt year, you say to me, " Mom, I already commuted committed to theater productions and I need to do it. " I am proud of your knowing they need you and seeing the way you can contribute instead of opting out because it's not as fun or easy for you in theater this year. 

A few weeks ago Grandma Pack took me on a trip and you completely took over into a mothering role without hesitation Brooke. You made dinner for Grandpa Pack, Your Dad and Will a couple times and you helped Will get to school and answered all of my phone calls! You made me feel like the boys are just fine with you around. 

As you continue to grow into an amazing daughter and lady Brooke, I am especially impressed with your using coupons at stores and looking at an app to find the best gas prices. You are showing how wise you are in not wanting to go into debt for college and by not asking me to pay hundred of dollars for your hair appointments but learning to lighten your hair on your own and it looks just as good as if the salon did it. 

As electrical as your personality is, I don't really like the idea of you becoming an electrical engineer which you suddenly have taken interest in by learning to make shocking devices for fun ( for those who don't know your random sense of humor, this could seem scary or violent ), but you always show that when you want to do something, you will figure it out and be a success! 

Featured in the photo of a girl from behind is one costume just you made for " The Little Shop of Horrors " theater show. 

You are amazing, genius and beautiful Brooke. 

You have been blessed with talents and faith to go to your Grandma and Grandpa Packs ward and Young Women's to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. You tell me you feel the Spirit there more and so I am grateful you recognize that and that you tell me you notice a difference if you didn't go to church and like to go. 

I am not worried at all that you will be alright in college that is coming for you before we know it; because you are so smart and capable, but I will be missing you for sure...

Love, Mommy💝

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