Monday, February 28, 2011

Our little Monkey

William is now eight months old! There are some very distinctive things about Will's personality that just have to be mentioned. Kevin calls Will monkey boy because he acts like such a goof ball sometimes. Starting the day with Will always begins with a laugh. First thing in the morning I go to brush my teeth and Will thinks it is hilarious. It doesn't matter how many times he has seen it, he always starts laughing and reaches for the toothbrush. He now shares toys that he puts into his mouth and then offers it to me, by putting it to my mouth. So sweet because he has only done that with me. I think that is why he thinks the brushing of the teeth is funny. He thinks I am using my own teething toy. Will must think that crawling is for the cat, because he is skipping crawling all together and is now pulling himself up to stand. From sitting he can also reach out all the way into crawling position, then grab a toy and get back to sitting up. He is just more interested in walking. Will knows many words when he hears them. If you say " Where is Daddy? " He looks around for him. He also knows Brooke, Kitty, Diaper, Binki, and food. Will loves to hear his own voice, and he babbles non-stop. In fact, when he stops talking I always wonder what is wrong with him. Will loves to be in crowds of people. He searches for the person in the store who will smile and give him attention. One of the greatest things about Will is his temperment. Since our family likes to get out, even if Will misses a nap he is happy as can be, and just falls asleep when he gets into the car and it starts moving. You could say that God must be humorous, because Will seems to fit in just great with our funny little crew. With a smile always on his face, and looking for the next thing he can explore and taste we have lots of fun times to look forward to with Will. Our family wouldn't be complete without him!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Work is fun, for everyone!

I have taken up cooking the past few years and not just cooking anything, but trying new recipies of family and friends, is my favorite thing to do. Those who know me, know a few years ago, all I could cook was my favorite things, eggs and sweets. I try to cook a nice dinner a few nights a week so that we can sit down as a family and enjoy together. I also try and have to house pretty clean to create a nice enviroment. Lately, I have been questioning all this work. With a fussy baby at night, is it really worth all the work it takes to do this? After Tuesday night of this week, I now know that all my work, is paying off. I was cleaning the house and getting everything ready to cook dinner. Normally Brooke does her chore of taking all the shoes from the shoe shelf near the garage, and takes them to the appropriate closet. When she was finished doing her chore she said, " Mommy, I want to do more chores. " I thought for sure she was going to start bartering for candy, because in the past she has learned, that she can work for candy, because you have to work for things that you want. Brooke proceeded to unload Will's new diapers into the diaper bin in his room. Then she vaccumed the kitchen for me. At that point I had started dinner and she now she had asked to help make dinner. Once she saw I was cutting raw chicken, she said, " I can take care of Will, while you do that." I started probing about her eagerness to help? She then told me, " Mommy, people who don't work are lazy and we like to work, right? " I said, " Yes, we do, it feels good doesn't it. " Then she said, " We aren't lazy, we are Turano's. " I hardly could believe my ears. She really had internalized the little things we try and teach her through example and convarsation. She was learning at a young age that working makes you feel good. She asked to help set the table, although she did get side tracked on coloring the paper placemats she was making for us to eat on. I was thrilled. We made cookies after dinner and gave a hot plate to the neighbors, after we all ate a few ourselves. Then we read a whole stack of books while Daddy and Will played in his room. Then off too bed. How lucky are we to have such and amazing little Brooke?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Those who know our family, know that we love to go see animals. So seeing animals in an entertianing and humorous way, is one of our favorite family activities. It was March, the first time I had ever been to a circus in my life. It was about two months before Kevin and I got married when he took me. I loved the show so much, that afterwards Kevin asked me, " Should I be worried that you are going to run off, and join a circus now? " We talked about starting our own circus, and what it would take to do that. Funny to think back on all our ideas of starting animal parks and farms, now.

So this was the most excting circus for Brooke yet, although we had been every year since she was born. She asked all kinds of quesitons about how the animals could do these tricks. Her favorite was when the Dog stood on his hind legs and pushed another baby dog

in the stroller. She couldn't stop laughing. She also was fascinated by the girl who could change her whole entire outfit in one second, while standing behind a sheer panel of fabric, and danced at the same time. We rode on the elephant again, like every year. It was a great time for us all. Will seemed to love the crowd of people, and the flashing toy that Brooke chose to take home. As we walked out of the circus, I couldn't help but wonder... if we take our kids to these Circus shows every year, I probably shouldn't be surprised if someday they decide that they are going to run off with the circus!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Brooke's 5th Birthday!

Brooke turned 5 years old on the 15th of February. The past week has been filled with FUN and more FUN! Grandma and Grandpa Turano always come in town for Brooke's birthdays, so it makes it extra exciting, as if turning 5 could get any better for Brooke...
Grandma and Grandpa came in town on Friday night and they were in for a surprise because we had a kitchen full of cooks and, each had their own oppinion about creating Brooke's request for a cake of the new Disney Tangled Rapunzel doll cake and tower cake. We were mixing colors, and cutting frozen cake until 11pm the night before her party. That just finished the first cake. The tower took hours the next morning. We all had fun, but the mess was left for Grandma Turano to clean up, which I felt bad about and was so thankful for her help.Brooke had her party at a gymnastics place this year and I shouldn't be surprised that although it was her first time on a balance beam, she walked back and forth with no problem, just asking to get onto the full size beam. Brooke is very athletic. Kevin takes the credit when it gets mentioned ;) Brooke says the rope and the pit were the most fun thing about her party. On Brooke's actual Birthday we went to dance, chicka fila for Brooke's favorite food, chicken nuggets and then Mommy and Brooke had a special icecream date, since we both love icecream! Grandma and Grandpa Pack hadn't called or seen Brooke all that day, and Brooke began to wonder after talking on the phone with Grandma Turano, Aunt Amy and Isabel and Hyrum sending a present. She begged to Call Grandma Pack. She said to me, " Mommy, if Grandma only gives me one present, that is okay, I wont be sad, because I always get lots of presents from Grandma, and she doesn't have to get me everything. " It was so sweet, I let her call Grandma. She was super excited when Grandma and Grandpa Pack surpised her by coming over with many gifts that night. She went to sleep feeling loved, and being so glad she is finally 5 years old.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

Brooke was more excited for Christmas this year, than she had been in her life so far. We celebrated Christmas with Santa's gifts and Grandma and Grandpa Pack, a week before the twenty fifth. We had dinner at On the Border to start our celebration, and then we went home for our pajama party that Brooke had all planned out for us. We all got in pajamas, even Grandma and Grandpa Pack. With Chipmunk Christmas carols in the background we decorated Santa's pre-made cookie dough with sprinkles. The chipmunk record is the only Christmas music we had, thanks to kevin buying it many years before he had a family. ( I guess he was planning ahead ) After we made cookies we had a prayer and read the Christmas story in the bible and finished our night watching The Polar Express with hot chocolate and popcorn. The next morning Grandma and Grandpa came over early enough to catch Brooke's first expressions when she saw the barbie house that Santa had brought her. Since it was Sunday we only spent an hour opening gifts and we rushed off to get to church on time, making our pre-Christmas complete. For the real Christmas we got a special treat to have all of Kevin's siblings at the Turano's house together. We went to Mass and afterwards had a wonderful Italian dinner as always, that Kevin's Mom makes. Brooke and Brittany played together a lot on our trip to Kansas City and Brooke still mentions that in Kansas City when she woke up she had talks with Grandma and Grandpa Turano, while Mommy and Daddy slept.